Our national debt has now crested $30T, with a gigantic yawn from the Biden Administration, the national media, and yes, most economists. The debt doesn’t matter, you see “we owe it to ourselves.” And besides interest rates are low, markets are begging the government the government to spend (as former Federal Reserve Vice-Chair Alan Blinder […]
Is everybody making everything political?
02 Feb 2022
The answer, of course, is no. It is true that there are many Americans, both left and right, that are finding some large source of their purpose in engaging in the political process at some level. Even this blog is necessarily engaging in the political process as we try to shape ideas about public policy, […]
Plain and simple. Barry Bonds and Roger Clemons were implicated in MLB’s doping scandal years ago. Each one of them had tremendous talent and accomplishments, but got even better as they aged, dominating in home runs (Bonds) and starting pitching (Clemons). In their last year of eligibility, both were denied entrance into MLB’s Hall of […]
Stephen Breyer Steps Down
26 Jan 2022
Stephen Breyer, 83, appears to be stepping off the United States Supreme Court. The oldest member,* Breyer said recently he did not intend to “die on the Court,” though it was not clear he would retire so soon. Breyer was nominated by Bill Clinton and got 87 Senate votes for confirmation, a result that seems […]
USA Today recently published an article that conservative critics declaimed as attempting to normalize pedophilia. The article makes several claims, including: (a) pedophilia must be distinguished from sexual child abuse or molestation, since it is an attraction not an action; (b) “pedophilia is determined in the womb” and because it is inborn, it isn’t something […]
Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the […]
Biden Administration Inflation problem still growing; even the Washington Post is turning on them
12 Jan 2022
Today’s release of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) finally topped 7%, which is the highest rate since 1982, and if you applied the same index methodology used back in 1980, we have now slightly topped the 1980 experience. Yet the Biden Administration cannot acknowledge the reality of how their policies have led to this, as […]
Mr. Pence: Time to Suit Up
06 Jan 2022
One of the fundamental Christian values is that of prioritizing the pursuit of truth, as Jesus identified himself as the truth, Satan is identified as the father of lies, and not only are lying lips an abomination to the Lord, but in one of the final verdicts in the Bible in Revelation 21, we are […]
CNBC comes to this realization this morning, as it notes: The coronavirus pandemic has led to a new era of inflation inequality, economists warn, in which poor households bear the brunt of rising prices. That’s because a bigger portion of their budget goes toward categories that have spiked in cost. Food is up 6.4% over the […]
Chile’s New Direction
26 Dec 2021
This year, Gabriel Boric won the Chilean Presidency by riding a populist wave of anti-market sentiment. Populism is a political tool not tied to any particular ideology, and it can drive people to very dangerous conclusions. In this case, Boric convinced Chile that the rich elites maintained power in his nation at the expense of […]