When I talk to other conservatives that are lamenting the decay of our culture, I will often console them by noting that “life is conservative.” In other words, the realities inherent in all our lives tend to validate the conservative position. There is a reason why the book of Proverbs can resonate with anybody, a […]
Reality in the Biden Era
01 Apr 2022
Here at BATG, we took a long look at inflation in a series of posts back in the fall, and it’s still front and center in the public discussion. Yes, I blamed the Fed, but I’ve always blamed the Fed–price fixing never works, and the Fed is the ultimate price fixer. Yet there is now […]
Yes, the median American would take over three years to make in salary what Wall Street financiers made just in bonus last year. You don’t have to be an Occupy Wall Street type to feel that this salary is a bit out of proportion. However, you should not be aiming your pitch forks at Wall […]
The world continues to be amazed at both the Ukrainian resistance and the Russian military’s ineffectiveness. What was thought by all the experts to be a maybe several day war is now in the weeks, quickly heading to months. And the carnage and humanitarian crisis is only increasing. This is almost the worst of all […]
Watching our President engage with the Russian invasion of Ukraine is troubling. There is precious little of his broader agenda that I can support, and yet I must hope (and pray) for his success in this one. We could find ourselves wishing for a different leader, but as the song goes, we’re going to have […]
In response to higher gas prices, Elizabeth Warren is proposing a windfall profit tax on large oil companies, whose “greed” is exploiting an international crisis. Economics has this nasty little way of bringing reality into the conversation, as supply and demand will both have their day. Progressive hostility to fossil fuels, which has accelerated during […]
The Batman
09 Mar 2022
Like Spiderman, Batman is ubiquitous. And, like the web-slinger, he has been victimized by uneven, and sometimes dreadful, attempts to squeeze another coin from the comic book cow. Yet both characters, when placed in the right hands, can yield compelling stories. Spiderman 2 and The Dark Knight are among the best of their genre. The […]
From One Bad Actor to Another–we have to do anything but produce oil in the United States
07 Mar 2022
It is really unbelievable. I am quite serious when I say this–I have been stunned by the suicidal political instincts of the Biden Administration and their congressional leaders to slavishly bow down to their progressive wing, whose agenda is so toxic to the country and the Democratic Party. Everyone looked for some sort of reboot […]
A Case for US/NATO No-Fly Zone (and other covert support) in Ukraine: If not us, who? And if not now, when?
02 Mar 2022
One of the great conundrums for American foreign policy is what precisely should we consider before entering into war. Attacks on us? Just domestic or also attacks on our citizens abroad? How big do they have to be to merit a military response? Beyond that, there is the difficult question of when should we go […]
Consider these observations from President Biden’s State of the Union Address last night. The setting was historic, and it gave the Biden Administration an opportunity to redefine itself, at least in the short term. Similar to President Bush’s transition into a war-time administration, President Biden is now confronting a significant crisis. This is why Ukraine […]