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Trump tackles Haley; sounds like Biden

16 Feb 2023

One of my constant refrains in the Trump era was to point to the mixed bag of his policies; much to like, much to dislike. I was most hostile to his cronyist trade policy of favoring one industry against another (e.g., favoring the steel industry at the expense of other US manufacturers that use steel*). And my reminder to you Bereans is that when Mr. Trump sounds just like Bernie Sanders, you ought to know that something is wrong.

Which brings us to today. With Nikki Haley in the race, Mr. Trump is targeting her from the left (as he has Mr. DeSantis, who is not yet in) by noting her support for Paul Ryan’s attempt to get a handle on entitlement spending.

It is an absolute scandal that Mr. Biden and the Democrats refuse to address the entitlement challenge which is bankrupting our country, preferring to use it as a club against Republicans that “want to starve your grandma,” and it is a worse scandal that the current batch of Republicans are so addicted to power that they cravenly abandon any principle of fiscal responsibility. Why should they care? Their putative leader Mr. Trump certainly doesn’t care.

Here’s the thing: When Donald Trump sounds just like Joe Biden, something is wrong in the state of Denmark.

Meanwhile, the day of reckoning approaches (2035, even while social security is now in deficit and will be forever unless there are changes). But hey, Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump won’t be around politically by then, so why should they care? What’s streaming on Netflix tonight?

** An analysis of the cost of Mr. Trump’s steel tariff showed that for every job saved in the steel industry, seven jobs would be lost in domestic steel using industries (and I’ve seen higher). I don’t have time this morning to look for it, but you can see the latest impact of the Trump/Biden Tariff policies here.