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Praying for Mr. Biden

25 Jan 2021

Mr Biden wasted no time in implementing an extra-constitutional agenda that could not be supported by a democratic process, e.g., numerous executive orders that are his private fiat. I’ll have more to say on his progressive war on work as soon as the schedule eases, but supporters of Mr. Trump cannot critique Mr. Biden for using executive orders, when Mr. Trump enjoyed their imperial nature as well, albeit not at the same volume as Mr. Biden. Mr. Biden is reportedly going to issue executive orders this week to enable foreign abortions, and is likely to pursue the elimination of the Hyde amendment (which restricts U.S. taxpayer direct funding of abortion). So the destructive nature of the Biden administration begins, and the only solace is negative: Mr. Trump’s actions of the last few months make the bitter taste of the Biden agenda relatively less hard to swallow.

So what do we do? Our first and primary method of strategy is to pray. This is not a cliche–it is the demonstration of our recognition that this broken world is beyond our ability to fix. Do any of us dare have any earthly hope that the United States can be fixed at this point? Do those that worship the God of Reason have any hope that there can be a reasonable dialogue to lead us to unity going forward? I certainly do not, although I do have hope. I have not only an eternal hope, but I have a present hope that God might, in His mercy, do a supernatural work that only He can do, and individuals might see the destructive nature of these policies and turn away. I pray for both God’s common grace and His saving grace to restrain the evil that we are prone to do.

We are commanded to pray for leaders and all who are in authority. So this we should faithfully do. But can we possibly pray for Mr. Biden to succeed when much of his agenda is ungodly? Well…we should pray wisely, and obviously we aren’t going to pray for his earthly success when it would harm others. Here are at least some initial thoughts on how we might daily pray for Mr. Biden.

  1. Pray for his eyes to be opened to see God for who He truly is, and see himself for who he truly is, and may the gap between God’s holiness and his sinfulness lead him to repentance. This is what each one of us needs more than anything else–how much more the President of the United States?
  2. Pray that God would give him a spirit of wisdom with the ability to discern good vs evil properly. We live in a day when Isaiah’s prophesy to Israel rings true for us: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Should God in His mercy open his eyes this way, will it not lead to our good?
  3. Pray that God would stifle the counsel of those around him who pursue evil purposes, and that God would provide Godly counselors that could speak truth to him.
  4. Pray that God would give him courage to be obedient to His revealed will. Let Mr. Biden’s fear of man (and the progressive left!) become very small, and let his fear of God loom large.

Should millions of Christians be united in praying for these things, will the God of heaven not hear? Is His arm too short to accomplish these prayers? Of course God may not, and He will still be good and acting for our good and His glory. Yet we are in a time of exile, and we should be seeking the welfare of the place that God has called us, and that means praying for our leaders, and especially those that are wicked–they need our prayers the most.

And–this should not be underestimated–it’s really hard to hate and be angry at someone that you are regularly praying for. So this is a good thing for my soul, and likely yours too. And I suspect that people around you will appreciate that as well.