Even as the health care crisis continues, and the Federal Reserve and the Congress and Administration are throwing everything they can to stop the bleeding, I want to stop and reflect on the bigger picture. On Monday, Al Mohler had a discussion on the difference between natural and moral evil, classifying the Coronavirus as a […]
Coronavirus. Is God still Good?
25 Mar 2020
The Trump Administration continues to flounder in deciding what is needed to keep the economy going in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. Do we give everybody a check? How about a payroll tax cut? The difficulty arises from the very nature of this crisis and the abject misunderstanding of economics that macroeconomic theorizing has […]
Fed’s Monetary Guns Keep Coming Up Empty
16 Mar 2020
S&P futures are limit (5%) down this morning, meaning no trade can occur pre-market opening that is not above the 5% down, and one ETF that tracks the S&P 500 is down 9%, indicating the bear market is still alive and well. This despite the Federal Reserve bringing out the big guns on Sunday by […]
Big Tuesday Looms for Democrats
10 Mar 2020
This has been a remarkable fortnight. Between February 29 and March 10, Democratic elites and voters shifted from a large, fluid field toward a frontrunner who appears destined to win the nomination. Joe Biden has emerged as the consensus candidate as he surged ahead in national polling, high profile endorsements, and the delegate count. Bernie […]
Coronavirus, Market panics, and Election 2020
09 Mar 2020
Markets are in a panic on Monday morning early, with Dow Futures down ~1300 and oil down another 20% (over fear of an oil glut), with the Saudis and Russians in disagreement on oil production levels. With global supply chains in a bit of chaos with Coronavirus, global output is going down for this first […]
If it is wrong to preach race hatred—and it is—why is it right to preach class hatred? If it’s a crime to incite the public against a man simply because of the colour of his skin—and it is—why is it virtuous to do so just because of his position? The political organisation of hatred is […]
Super Tuesday: Democracy vs. Elitism
03 Mar 2020
Bernie Sanders stands on the edge of seizing the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Facing him down, and loaded for bear, is the Party’s leaders–officers, elected officials, donors, and even former nominees and opponents. These forces now take the form of Joe Biden, upon whom they have finally foisted their mantle. Super Tuesday is the battleground, […]
Coronavirus and Financial Markets
02 Mar 2020
As I write this morning, markets (Dow Futures) are trending downward to open today by about 300 points, after going into correction (>10% down) territory in last week’s wild action. Mr. Trump is (once again) asking for the Fed to ride to the rescue. “This is something I think they should’ve done even beyond this […]
It is a confusing time within the Democratic Party as the party struggles with identity. Yes the party of identity politics is having an identity crisis. The front runner, Bernie Sanders, is an avowed Democratic Socialist, and has been for years. He’s historically supported Castro, Ortega, Chavez, etc. and Democratic elites know that if he […]
The Democrats Go Hard in Vegas
20 Feb 2020
Here are a few scattered thoughts about last night’s entertaining Democratic Debate. There is always a balance between electability and issue or ideological purity. Democrats are confronting it now. In my mind, Sanders and Warren are not electable. Klobuchar and Buttigieg could be. We will know about Bloomberg in the next week. Bloomberg would have […]