Bari Weiss resigned from The New York Times yesterday. This news will be greeted with yawns by most Americans, but it marks a critical moment. The American paper of record, perhaps the most famous newspaper in the world, will no longer pretend to value opposing points of view within its pages. Weiss stepped down with […]
Bari Weiss Resigns From the New Journalism
15 Jul 2020
“Churches Were Eager to Reopen. Now They Are a Major Source of Coronavirus Cases.” So says the headline of this NYT article. Now I think churches are a risky place for transmission of the virus,* especially through singing. So I’m interested in this argument. Major sounds like churches are a big part of the problem […]
The Latest Temptation for Chief Justice Roberts
30 Jun 2020
The Supreme Court struck down Louisiana’s law that required physicians who perform abortions to have hospital admitting privileges. The ruling, in June Medical Services v. Russo, fits seamlessly with the Court’s 2016 decision in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which considered a nearly identical Texas law. The story here is not the ruling, or the […]
I can still remember vividly my first conversation about how hard the effects of racism are on African-Americans. It was about 1995 and I was stationed in Colorado Springs. I was a senior Captain, talking with a black major and another white major during a break (perhaps lunch, but it was at the office). This […]
The Mooch Returns – BDC Vol. 12
18 Jun 2020
The Bullington Diatribe Chronicles will run occasionally for the amusement of some, the facepalming of many others, and the inconvenience of all. The following is satire….obviously. Several former Republican officials banded together this week, in a rare showing of resolve, with the stated purpose of getting Joe Biden elected President…I’m actually not kidding, this is […]
Bostock May Not Be a Bombshell
16 Jun 2020
The United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County* continues a trend of victories for LGBTQ+ advocates. The Court ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prevents employers from discriminating against employees based on sexual orientation or gender status. The decision fits comfortably with recent precedent, but it is surprising given […]
Oh very young, what will you leave us this time?
13 Jun 2020
So begins Cat Stevens song from the ‘70s Oh very young, what will you leave us this time, You’re only dancin’ on this earth for a short while, And though your dreams may toss and turn you now, They will vanish away like your dads best jeans, Denim blue, faded up to the sky, And […]
Re: Petition to Cancel 2020 – BDC Vol. 11
12 Jun 2020
The Bullington Diatribe Chronicles will run occasionally for the amusement of some, the facepalming of many others, and the inconvenience of all. The following is satire….obviously. On June 5, a petition was started to cancel 2020, which gathered several million signatures before being sent to the heavenly courts. Bereans at the Gate has obtained the […]
President Trump & the Limits of Legal Power
03 Jun 2020
President Trump has pledged to use military force if governors and mayors are unable to pacify cities across the country. As more stores, government buildings, and monuments are burned or razed, troop deployments to Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Los Angeles, or New York are still possible. President Trump has the legal power to use the armed […]
On Adam Smith and Grace
31 May 2020
As our stock of reasons for rescinding the 2020 experience continues to mount, I wanted to wax historical for a moment, just as the rest of us are continuing to wax hysterical. The whole Floyd saga has set me thinking over the past few days, adding not a few moments of reflection and challenge. Here, […]