Two weeks ago, our beloved dog, Luna, left us too soon. One day, she was prancing to greet new or old friends that entered the house. The next, we had to say cruel goodbyes. Our small house, always full, now sits empty. Luna’s preferred place was in the living room, atop a couch that rests […]
The Dog in the Window
05 Jul 2021
Patriotism in Worship: A Study of Three Views
03 Jul 2021
This Sunday, Christians will find themselves seated in pews on a national holiday (July 4). Many American churches will recognize the national celebration by singing songs about America, reciting the pledge, or honoring those who have served in the military. But—should we celebrate these patriotic holidays in our church services? It seems there are three […]
Last week’s agreement on an infrastructure bill, followed almost immediately by a Biden backtrack, and then a Biden Saturday somersault is almost enough to make your head spin. It’s hard to imagine a more incompetent response to the deal, and it is only going to make it harder to get anything across the finish line. […]
Rad Dad
20 Jun 2021
Statistically, it is very likely that my Dad is cooler than your Dad. He is a Fire Chief in a small town, and based on that fact alone he scores more cool points than many other men could every dream of. That’s not to say your Dad has no value; just that my Dad is […]
Religious liberty advocates won another victory at the United States Supreme Court on Thursday. In a 9-0 decision, the Court ruled, in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, the city could not discriminate against Catholic Social Services by forcing it to place foster children with same-sex couples. The grounds were limited, so the win was not […]
Inflation–Savior or Devil?
08 Jun 2021
Regular Berean readers may be wondering–are the Bereans AWOL? Do they not care about the issues anymore? Do they think that there is no need for Christian political economy now that Mr. Biden has rescued us from Mr. Trump? Or maybe they are just academics who think the summer is a sabbatical for….whatever academics get […]
Fun in the Sun with Dostoevsky and Lewis
01 Jun 2021
Over the course of a long weekend very recently, I found myself afforded the opportunity for a lovely visit to Hilton Head, SC with my very dear roomies (well, two of them least; the other was at some minor prior engagement, “wedding-related,” he says). If “pleasure” and “merriment” are the aim, one could do far […]
The Perfect Time to De-Tariff
24 May 2021
The other day I read a Wall Street Journal piece about EU tariffs on U.S. goods that (thankfully) never came to be. It reminded me about the Trump administration’s departure from U.S. policy for the last few decades which generally aimed to increase free trade. The Biden administration has yet to make any strong changes […]
So says Jason Riley on this week’s Econtalk discussing race in America. I think he is correct; not that facts are unimportant, but if they don’t agree with the cultural narrative, they will be ignored. I also agree with his point that this is leading to a poisoning of race relations rather than an improvement. […]
Nomadland: A New Kind of Western
13 May 2021
“What the nomads are doing is not that different than what the pioneers did. I think Fern’s part of an American tradition. I think it’s great.” Fern lives in her van, which has broken down and she is unable to fix it. She arrives, via bus, at Dolly’s house. Her sister lives on a clean, […]