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How to Bottom Out — High Performer Style (Satire)

20 Aug 2021

The Bible is replete with examples of the powerful, life-changing power of trusting in Yahweh. The apostle Paul was brought to nothing on the road to Damascus before radically giving his life to serve Christ and propagate the Gospel message. King David was an adulterer and murderer, yet he repented to the point where he was called, “A man after God’s own heart.” And of course, in our own lifetimes, who among us has not known those with incredible, awe-inspiring stories of redemption?

Yet, doggone it if some of us just don’t have those stories. Mr. “Clean Cut Since Birth, Never Done Drugs, Sexually Pure, Consistently Pursued Christ” — what’s his angle? What great work is there in his life? How is he supposed to spread the Gospel message without a story of revolutionary changes, crises, climaxes, compelling narrative developments, cinematic bait and switches, and denouments? How, pray tell, is God to use a man who faithfully obeys His commandments throughout his life?

Some have suggested that the bare grace of God to rescue a flagrantly rebel soul at an early age is story enough, often including some mishmash about the “astounding gifts” given to souls unlucky enough to live a blessed life. An equally suspect idea carries with it the thought that it is Christ, the object of our faith, who brings life, rather than our own clarity and intensity of faith. “Bah! Humbug!” says I. What we really need is what Father Ted’s Mrs. Doyle identified as a “good, miserable time” to keep us on the straight and narrow. Come now, what good is the unwavering Christ if you don’t have a cool story? I realize, though, that asking high performers, particularly Christian ones, to concoct these stories really can be a challenge, so we’ve taken it upon ourselves here at Bereans to identify some ways that you, as a high-performer, can have your own bottoming out story, all ministrations of love, goodness, and actual change into your life be anathema.