On Thursday, Joe Biden gave a historic presidential address. Part peevish lecture and part decree, the speech tried to justify an executive action we will study for years to come. The President warned that “our patience is running thin” with unvaccinated Americans, and this theme dominated both his address and his looming actions. The President […]
Joe Biden’s Big Move
10 Sep 2021
From their classic textbook, Universal Economics: Not only are violations of ethics more likely to prevent successful market activities but they are arguably more powerful in the economic market than in the markets of political and social exchange. Ask whether a seller/supplier or a politician tends to make more reliable promises. Which will suffer most, […]
Readers should listen to (or read) yesterday’s The Daily Briefing by Al Mohler first, which chronicles Joe Biden’s twisting in the wind on the position of Abortion before engaging in my post. Ever since the fiasco in the Garden, humans have felt the weight of the curse. In Genesis 2, the man and his wife […]
Infinite Prices
06 Sep 2021
In light of the devastation caused by hurricane Ida in the Gulf of Mexico and up the US East coast, I think now is a good time to discuss a government policy that impedes disaster relief. Most states have laws on the books to prevent price gouging. Typically, the laws target charging prices in gross […]
History doesn’t repeat, Mark Twain said, but it sometimes rhymes. Sometimes the rhymes are so compelling that they cry out for comment. President Biden’s speech on August 31, 2021, on the end of the war in Afghanistan was, for me, one of those times. It recalled to me a speech given on June 4, 1940, […]
Texas, Roe, & the Constitution
02 Sep 2021
Yesterday, a unique Texas law went into effect. The statute bans abortion if a fetal heartbeat is detected, which is generally around six weeks in a pregnancy. A smattering of heartbeat bills have made it through state legislatures, and they have mostly been struck down by federal courts. What makes the Texas law different is […]
One of the great privileges of my time serving in the U.S. Air Force was the assumption of command of the 1st Air and Space Test Squadron at Vandenberg AFB California in 2006. While there are many higher and strategically consequential command positions, most military leaders will agree that this level of unit command is […]
For The Love of Thinking
23 Aug 2021
A new academic year has begun, and with its arrival comes excitement and anticipation of all the potential growth that lies ahead in our educational endeavors. If I could put one book into the hands of many Christian students at this time it would be A.G. Sertillanges’ short work The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, […]
The Bible is replete with examples of the powerful, life-changing power of trusting in Yahweh. The apostle Paul was brought to nothing on the road to Damascus before radically giving his life to serve Christ and propagate the Gospel message. King David was an adulterer and murderer, yet he repented to the point where he […]
Mr. Biden’s Victorious Surrender
17 Aug 2021
Let’s agree that Mr. Biden was dealt a bad hand in Afghanistan. Many previous administrations* had failed to deal with the quagmire, and there certainly was no good set of options available to any president. But was it possible for Mr. Biden to play his cards any worse? What he has done, and what he […]