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Could Elon’s purchase of Twitter save the Democratic Party? And would that save the Republican Party? Couldn’t hurt.

05 May 2022

One of the things that absolutely amazes me about the Biden Administration is the steadfast refusal to change course when they do the wrong thing–instead they double down! And say all sorts of ridiculous things that harm them politically. It’s as if they have a death wish; not only to be a one-term administration, but a 1/2 term administration. And as I’ve written before, this performance has the possibility of being a generational failure for the Democratic Party. Hispanics are rapidly abandoning them. Young people and African-Americans are even slipping for them. And the working-white class is now gone; likely not to return. Yes there are still a lot of college educated and single women who are not as likely to switch, but are rich educated whites, single women and most African-American voters enough to command a majority? I don’t think so.

This Democratic suicide march parallels their slavish submission to whatever the progressive base wants. Two examples of this. Inflation (and its most visible component, high gas prices) could be alleviated by higher energy production domestically. Mr. Biden even could likely have gotten a deal for much higher green energy spending, coupled with his turning on the spigots for domestic fossil fuel production, but the progressives won’t let him. Their religion requires identifying U.S. fossil fuel production as the greatest threat to humanity possible. Why they think that Russian, Venezuelan, Iranian, etc. fossil fuel production is ok is beyond me, but we can’t have the U.S. be more independent. Why? If we give Americans cheap energy, they’ll want to keep it and won’t be willing to make the clean energy transition we must make. They’ll keep driving big SUVs! The second is the border. There is almost nobody that is in favor of the chaos ongoing at the border, which Mr. Biden practically asked for. And yet he won’t get serious about it, because of the fear of the progressives. Title 42 is a bad way to deal with immigration, but taking a total disaster at the border and making it worse is just not good politics. The Democrats are going to be sued for political malpractice, and the court hearing will be this November.

So why is Joe Biden so slavishly submissive to progressives? I don’t have the answer to it, but we all know that at least one problem in America is the echo chamber that we all live in now. For progressive crazies, twitter is that world where they only allow craziness to enter in. There is no such thing as a right wing “twitter mob” but it’s a major force in the progressive Democratic world. Especially so if you cross them on anything related to transgenderism (think Martina Navratilova or J.K. Rowling). This echo chamber has led them to believe that everyone thinks like them, and anybody that does not is a moral monster. And this energizes them to be more extreme, and to push absolutely insane ideas (think of celebrating birthing people’s day this Sunday!). And since every politician fears being primaried by an animated sub-group of their party, we have the Democratic leadership fully getting on-board. A classic case of this was Chuck Schumer’s forcing a vote on getting rid of the filibuster. That’s a hugely popular thing on the very far left, but for most Americans, further blowing up Washington D.C. is not actually popular.

So how can Elon help? If twitter starts to become a place where progressives are at least exposed to some alternative thinking it can only help. And if the twitter mob were to become less of an effect, then Democratic politicians wouldn’t be proposing such insane policies. And if Democrats weren’t pushing such insanity, then you’d have more conservatives that would hold their own side a bit more accountable. I don’t know how many of my conservative friends who allow their hatred of what progressives are trying to do to the country to justify ignoring craziness within (e.g., Marjorie Taylor Greene). Maybe Elon can bring back some sanity to the digital public square? Who knows? I don’t think it can hurt. If he can help save the Democratic Party, he might just help save the Republicans.

Edit Update: Fits the theme of this last paragraph, with lots of qualifications (i.e., what it means to be a conservative has likewise changed, although I think that is reactionary to what happened on the left). Confessed liberal Colin Wright describes his journey as looking like this:

The question is can anything pull the left back from its insanity, and will that likewise result in conservatives being more intelligent and less angry?