In response to higher gas prices, Elizabeth Warren is proposing a windfall profit tax on large oil companies, whose “greed” is exploiting an international crisis. Economics has this nasty little way of bringing reality into the conversation, as supply and demand will both have their day. Progressive hostility to fossil fuels, which has accelerated during […]
From One Bad Actor to Another–we have to do anything but produce oil in the United States
07 Mar 2022
It is really unbelievable. I am quite serious when I say this–I have been stunned by the suicidal political instincts of the Biden Administration and their congressional leaders to slavishly bow down to their progressive wing, whose agenda is so toxic to the country and the Democratic Party. Everyone looked for some sort of reboot […]
A Case for US/NATO No-Fly Zone (and other covert support) in Ukraine: If not us, who? And if not now, when?
02 Mar 2022
One of the great conundrums for American foreign policy is what precisely should we consider before entering into war. Attacks on us? Just domestic or also attacks on our citizens abroad? How big do they have to be to merit a military response? Beyond that, there is the difficult question of when should we go […]
Mr. Biden’s Handling of the Russian Crisis
01 Mar 2022
Joe Biden’s poll numbers have consistently slid since his presidency began, as the vote to return to “normal” after Donald Trump instead resulted in a President giving us a progressive Abby Normal; now we’re seemingly all on a ride aboard the grand funk railroad, as a solid majority think we’re headed down the wrong path. […]
As San Fransisco voters overwhelmingly recalled three school board members recently, there are a lot of commentaries on the push-back to the woke progressivist agenda. In this particular case, these members’ priorities were seemingly not on educating children, but renaming schools that included names of Lincoln and Washington, because of their imperfect past. But perhaps […]
For kids, for sure, if you follow “The Science.” That’s the conclusion of Jeffrey Anderson in this data-driven review fantastically titled, “Kids full of life, Adults obsessed with death.” In general, there has been a dearth of evidence showing that any area that had mask mandates had death rates different from those that don’t, but […]
Conventional wisdom has certainly joined this Berean’s opinion that the next election is going to find the Democrats deeply underwater. We warned that inflation is one of those most sticky issues that everyone feels, and those that tolerate it pay the political price.* It’s not that we’re that great at political prognostication–it’s just that we’re […]
Our national debt has now crested $30T, with a gigantic yawn from the Biden Administration, the national media, and yes, most economists. The debt doesn’t matter, you see “we owe it to ourselves.” And besides interest rates are low, markets are begging the government the government to spend (as former Federal Reserve Vice-Chair Alan Blinder […]
Is everybody making everything political?
02 Feb 2022
The answer, of course, is no. It is true that there are many Americans, both left and right, that are finding some large source of their purpose in engaging in the political process at some level. Even this blog is necessarily engaging in the political process as we try to shape ideas about public policy, […]
Plain and simple. Barry Bonds and Roger Clemons were implicated in MLB’s doping scandal years ago. Each one of them had tremendous talent and accomplishments, but got even better as they aged, dominating in home runs (Bonds) and starting pitching (Clemons). In their last year of eligibility, both were denied entrance into MLB’s Hall of […]