Yepper…well worth a watch, from his presentation at the Family Research Council last week. As the world tells us to be quiet, Mr. Grudem calls pastors to speak towards issues that Christians should be a positive influence on. I think it strikes a nice balance. What do you think? Add your comments below.
Why did he do it? The media say we may never know why Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez killed four marines
17 Jul 2015
And its true; we may never know. But this is not hard, and we can be reasonably confident what the motive was–at least what the most likely motive was. It’s the same motive that drives many people, on many different issues. This includes most young people that currently support same-sex marriage, as well as Christian […]
The Biblical Worldview of History
16 Jul 2015
The great American economic historian Charles A. Beard, in his presidential address to the American Historical Society, offered this grim outlook for his discipline: “History is chaos and every attempt to interpret it otherwise is an illusion. History moves around in a kind of cycle. History moves in a line, straight or spiral, and in […]
Some Questions to Ponder: Just Asking
15 Jul 2015
I have a few questions for thought today. I am not answering them, though the reader may well have some idea where I am on them. So just read and ponder. Please feel free to comment too. I have not read the Iran nuclear deal yet, but I understand it will aid Iran in developing […]
Cedarville University in The Atlantic
15 Jul 2015
Cedarville University has not starved for attention in recent years. That trend continued yesterday when The Atlantic published David R. Wheeler’s “Gay Marriage and the Future of Evangelical Colleges.” Though Wheeler references a variety of colleges, Cedarville was the most prominently featured. As I noted in a recent post on the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, […]
As many conservative observers have noted, the same-sex marriage decision by the Supreme Court is not the end of the culture wars, but only the next step in an increase in the progressive push to transform our nation. This was always the lie believed by many in our culture, both Christian and non-Christian, the “can’t […]
Today, Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), declared his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. Walker is hardened like few other candidates, surviving two gubernatorial contests, a recall election, and bruising fights over public employee unions in his home state.* This record puts Walker in the top-tier regardless of other factors. Polling results in Iowa put him […]
Back to the Core Issue
11 Jul 2015
I have remained pretty silent on the following topic, but now I want to make a plea to my academic colleagues—not at my university only but those in all colleges and universities, and especially those at Christian institutions. First, though, the problem, followed by the solution, or at least my solution, plus responses to anticipated […]
They Are Singing the Blues, Maybe
09 Jul 2015
Here is a summary of a study by the Mercatus Center of George Mason University on the fiscal situation of liberal states. It looks like liberal states are predominantly profligate. And how well are their citizens faring? Take a look—and read the entire study. Maybe these states might want to consult Greece (?). This summary […]
Human Flourishing, the Bible and Books
06 Jul 2015
I just finished reading a very helpful book for Christians interested in how they should think about capitalism, wealth, and the Bible. The author is John R. Schneider and the title is The Good of Affluence: Seeking God in a Culture of Wealth (Eerdmans, 2002). It is 13 years old and I thought I would […]