I know some college students read this blog, so I will begin by citing a pretty good article in the August 6 edition of Reason.com (a libertarian periodical) entitled “How the Federal Government Betrayed the Millennials,” by Veronique de Rugy. Perhaps you don’t think the Feds did betray millennials (you know who you are). After […]
The Millennial Problem
14 Aug 2015
The academic year is almost upon many of us again. In that spirit, it seems fitting to write about academics. The following are random thoughts about the present and future of higher education in America, particularly Christian higher education. It is not an exhaustive analysis, nor is it very deep or even nuanced. So please […]
The “Debate” & What it Means
08 Aug 2015
I finally watched the Fox presidential debate. Let me admit a few things up front.* Debates are excruciating. Anyone who cares deeply about our nation, and grasps at all the complexity buried in most of our important issues, can only recoil at a format that allows 60 seconds for answers and 30 seconds for follow-ups. […]
Global Climate “Lukewarmness”
07 Aug 2015
I have been listening on Econtalk, a podcast production by economist Russ Roberts, to an interview with Matt Ridley, who calls himself a “lukewarmer” regarding climate change (by the way, I highly recommend Econtalk). To be a “lukewarmer” is to believe climate change is probably man-made, but not dangerous. Now before I get criticisms for […]
The Fox News Debate Debacle
03 Aug 2015
For some reason, the Republican Party has decided to let Fox News determine the parameters of its first presidential debate. This being Fox, I assumed the network might swap the candidates with leggy blondes squatting behind transparent desks. At least that choice, as opposed to the ones already made, would reveal the entire exercise as […]
Technocracy and Human Flourishing
03 Aug 2015
During the Obama administration, and especially the last five years after the passage of Obamacare, we have seen numerous attempts, some successful and others still in the process, to impose more Federal top-down regulations on all sorts of human activities. Besides Obamacare and its 15,000 pages of regulations, we have the massive regulatory scheme flowing […]
As we continue in the “new normal” of lower than trend growth in the Obama Era, last week saw 2.3% growth in the 2nd qtr after only a revised upward 0.6% in the 1st qtr, we must ask why. I have argued before that whether you are a progressive or a conservative, you ought to […]
In one of the rare triumphs (likely fleeting–see below), the Republicans actually let the Import-Export Bank die a most well-deserved death by refusing to renew its charter which expired at the end of June. For those that don’t know, this government program is known as “Boeing’s bank,” since it subsidizes loans to foreigners who are […]
A Tribute to Constitutionalism
29 Jul 2015
I attended a meeting of the local Tea Party in my city to hear one of my colleagues (who is also a Berean) speak on the Constitution. His talk was excellent, and well-received. But as I was listening, my mind began to wander a bit (sorry Mark). Given so much misunderstanding, so much misinterpretation, and […]
I just finished another book I would commend to our readers. Gregory Alan Thornbury has published Recovering Classic Evangelicalism: Applying the Wisdom and Vision of Carl F. H. Henry. Crossway, 2013. As the title indicates, the author, current president of King’s College in New York City, and erstwhile “geek” (more below), the book represents both […]