Seventeen Republicans have thrown their tam o’ shanters into the presidential ring and as we just passed Labor Day, the race is still in flux. Expect it to stay that way at least until January, and even then, there will be movement and surprises. The figure above is a rough sketch of average polling […]
The European Disease
07 Sep 2015
If there is anything more representative of the immense waste, bureaucratic elitism and arrogance, it is this report of the erection of a new, decorative statue of a tree outside the new European Central Bank headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. The statue, ostensibly of a Walnut tree, cost about $1 million in American dollars. The tree […]
An interesting subject of discussion the last few days has been the County Clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, Kim Davis. She has made national news by refusing to issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple, not once, but four times. She now sits in a Rowan County jail, put there after being held in […]
I just finished reading two articles on higher education, one by Walter Russell Mead in The American Interest and other in National Review Online, the latter which goes nicely with a third article entitled “New Analysis Shows Problematic Boom in Higher Ed Administrators” in the Huffington Post. Together these articles paint a discouraging picture, especially […]
30 Aug 2015
Yesterday my wife, Mary Ann, read me Eric Metaxes’s tweets poking fun at Donald Trump’s refusal or inability to provide his favorite Bible verse. We both had if not exactly a gut-laugh at least a pretty good chuckle. Trump’s comments (or lack thereof) have caused a bit of a stir in Twitter land over the […]
Ten Years After
27 Aug 2015
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Romans 8:18-21 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, […]
- of August 16, 2015 has a very interesting article on occupational licensing by J. D. Tuccille. Occupational licensing is the requirement that individuals desiring to enter certain lines of work or service first obtain extensive and expensive training and also pay a licensing fee, sometimes quite high, in order to legally enter. Failure to […]
Boom Boom! Bust?! What’s next for world markets?
23 Aug 2015
Lots of press the last few days on the markets crashing, with the first stock market correction since 2011. I’ve been warning that this won’t end well, but that doesn’t mean I have the answer to what happens next–if I did I would be making the trades first thing tomorrow to profit from it myself. […]
A Modern-Day Schindler
21 Aug 2015
If the Obergefell decision did not clearly signal the declining influence of Christianity in American society, Charles Krauthammer’s recent editorial entitled “Righteous Effort Rescues Christians in Middle East” does. In this poignant essay, Krauthammer demonstrates that our government has turned its back on its Christian antecedents. Krauthammer notes the work of Lord George Weidenfeld, a […]
Donald Trump sits now where he is most comfortable–at the center of reality. Like sunflowers craning toward the daylight, it seems our body politic is bent toward the billionaire carnival-barker turned politician. This “Trumpotropism” is unsettling to our political class, especially of the genus Republican. The disquiet is deafening. There is good reason for concern. Trump […]