What is that one good thing (among others)? It is that his exit is potentially a blow to the US Chamber of Commerce, that supposedly “conservative” group of business leaders who are really not conservative except in a very limited sense. Here is what is going on. The Chamber has decided it will spend over […]
Some recent comments by Ben Carson and a blog I wrote with associated comments from various people, have caused me to write this post as a general response as well as an elaborated examination of the underlying philosophical/theological foundations and the purpose of the United States Constitution—in short, the “theory” of our fundamental law. That […]
International Monetary Fund warns on the bubble they encouraged! But has the horse already left the barn?
30 Sep 2015
Yes, another blog post on the Fed’s failed monetary policy. I hate to keep blogging on this particular issue, but it continues to be the major economic issue facing us. Now that the effects of the easy credit bubble deflating are becoming apparent to everyone, including famed corporate takeover investor Carl Icahn, the IMF is […]
Boehner Resigns: Expect Nothing to Change
25 Sep 2015
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) will resign from both his Speakership and the U.S. House effective at the end of October. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) announced the resignation at the Values Voter Summit in D.C. and was greeted with a standing ovation as he did so. Expect similar reactions along the right side […]
Ben Carson’s Sharia “Slip”
22 Sep 2015
I have just a short comment on Ben Carson’s recent flap over his statement that in essence a Muslim should not occupy the White House. To begin, his comment was ripped out of context. He had argued that a Muslim who supported Sharia Law would not be fir for president. But in addition, he attempted […]
Secret Service Codenames?
17 Sep 2015
For some silly reason, CNN’s Jake Tapper decided to ask the candidates what their Secret Service codename would be if they won the presidency. Rarely funny, and generally painful, their answers didn’t exactly jump off the page. Here are my offerings: Carson–Scissorhands or Scalpel Trump–Bombast Christie–StayPuft Paul–EyePatch Fiorina–Stiletto Rubio–Hobbs Jeb–Eggo Huckabee–Gantry Kasich–Marbles Cruz–Pyro Walker–Cheesehead
In Fed We Trust!
16 Sep 2015
Tomorrow the Fed will announce its decision on whether to increase interest rates for the first time since 2006, and the markets seem to be thinking we’ve got at least another meeting until it happens. Markets are up in the last couple of days and even long-beaten gold is catching a bid, sensing that interest […]
Dr. Ben Carson is not your typical presidential candidate. The fact that Donald Trump and Carson are well ahead of the pack in the Republican primary battle suggests that American are pining for a non-traditional candidate to support. Carson is a retired pediatric neurosurgeon who, in 1987, became the first doctor to successfully separate Siamese […]
I hate to so severely disagree with an otherwise insightful Christian writer, but I am forced to take issue forcefully with an article by Cal Thomas, a syndicated columnist, and a long-respected Christian cultural critic, in a Fox News Online Opinion column of September 11, 2015, entitled “America has never been a ‘Christian’ nation. Kim […]
Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned – Romans 5:12 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? – Jeremiah 17:9 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a […]