For some silly reason, CNN’s Jake Tapper decided to ask the candidates what their Secret Service codename would be if they won the presidency. Rarely funny, and generally painful, their answers didn’t exactly jump off the page. Here are my offerings: Carson–Scissorhands or Scalpel Trump–Bombast Christie–StayPuft Paul–EyePatch Fiorina–Stiletto Rubio–Hobbs Jeb–Eggo Huckabee–Gantry Kasich–Marbles Cruz–Pyro Walker–Cheesehead
Secret Service Codenames?
17 Sep 2015
In Fed We Trust!
16 Sep 2015
Tomorrow the Fed will announce its decision on whether to increase interest rates for the first time since 2006, and the markets seem to be thinking we’ve got at least another meeting until it happens. Markets are up in the last couple of days and even long-beaten gold is catching a bid, sensing that interest […]
Dr. Ben Carson is not your typical presidential candidate. The fact that Donald Trump and Carson are well ahead of the pack in the Republican primary battle suggests that American are pining for a non-traditional candidate to support. Carson is a retired pediatric neurosurgeon who, in 1987, became the first doctor to successfully separate Siamese […]
I hate to so severely disagree with an otherwise insightful Christian writer, but I am forced to take issue forcefully with an article by Cal Thomas, a syndicated columnist, and a long-respected Christian cultural critic, in a Fox News Online Opinion column of September 11, 2015, entitled “America has never been a ‘Christian’ nation. Kim […]
Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned – Romans 5:12 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? – Jeremiah 17:9 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a […]
Seventeen Republicans have thrown their tam o’ shanters into the presidential ring and as we just passed Labor Day, the race is still in flux. Expect it to stay that way at least until January, and even then, there will be movement and surprises. The figure above is a rough sketch of average polling […]
The European Disease
07 Sep 2015
If there is anything more representative of the immense waste, bureaucratic elitism and arrogance, it is this report of the erection of a new, decorative statue of a tree outside the new European Central Bank headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. The statue, ostensibly of a Walnut tree, cost about $1 million in American dollars. The tree […]
An interesting subject of discussion the last few days has been the County Clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, Kim Davis. She has made national news by refusing to issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple, not once, but four times. She now sits in a Rowan County jail, put there after being held in […]
I just finished reading two articles on higher education, one by Walter Russell Mead in The American Interest and other in National Review Online, the latter which goes nicely with a third article entitled “New Analysis Shows Problematic Boom in Higher Ed Administrators” in the Huffington Post. Together these articles paint a discouraging picture, especially […]
30 Aug 2015
Yesterday my wife, Mary Ann, read me Eric Metaxes’s tweets poking fun at Donald Trump’s refusal or inability to provide his favorite Bible verse. We both had if not exactly a gut-laugh at least a pretty good chuckle. Trump’s comments (or lack thereof) have caused a bit of a stir in Twitter land over the […]