It always amazes me that most people think that the effect of central bankers on the global economy is small. Its not just our resident critic here @ BATG. I went to a conference last year where a very conservative Christian financial advisor told me that the stock market was basically just about the great […]
Bernie Sanders Looks to Sweden
20 Oct 2015
In the recent Democratic Party debate Bernie Sanders told us we should look to Sweden, Denmark and Norway to see how a successful democratic socialist economic system works. I have heard others say the same thing. Even some conservatives have argued that socialism of the democratic kind works pretty well in those Scandinavian countries. Rich […]
Fellow Berean Mark Caleb Smith continues to write eloquently about the need for improving civil discourse, as in our current featured post, yet I fear he will continue to be a voice in the wilderness. While he and I have some disagreements in this area, certainly he is right that a major problem in our […]
As we approach 5 November, the date that Treasury Secretary Lew has said the U.S. will run out of money, there are more articles coming out on the possibility of the U.S. defaulting. Implicit in almost all the reporting is the false assumption that if partisan politics prevents an extension of the debt, the U.S. […]
Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Tennyson’s Charge of the Light Brigade was once a staple of male youth. The poem is both an anthem to the glory of military sacrifice and an ode to the brutality of battle. It is […]
Where there is no Vision, the people perish. Implications for Christian Political Economy
13 Oct 2015
Many of us have heard the Proverb 29:18 in the form of “where there is no vision, the people perish.” It is often used to suggest that without visionaries we can’t move forward. Politicians, both left and right, suggest this means we need to have their policies put forward to guarantee our future–since obviously they […]
There is an interesting new book on higher education, William G. Bowen and Eugene M. Tobin, Locus of Authority, in which the authors argue that more authority must be given to presidents and administrators, given the new environment in which universities operate. The argument runs that faculty tend to be “conservative” about change, that is, […]
As the Obama administration has completed its negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders were quick to pounce: Trump tweeted The incompetence of our current administration is beyond comprehension. TPP is a terrible deal. Of course, agreeing with Mr. Trump on the first statement in no way […]
An Exemplar of Christian Worldview
07 Oct 2015
Our Bereans readers know how passionate I am about the issue of Christian worldview—taking every thought captive to Christ—in every aspect of thought and life. I haven’t lost any of that passion, but I am not the only one who cares about it. My colleague, Richard Tison, here at Cedarville University, also possesses an intense […]
The Gospel at Work
06 Oct 2015
As reported at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics website, the New York Times published a very interesting editorial piece: Donald Trump and the Rise of the Moral Minority on September 26th. Using the somewhat surprising fact (to me anyway) that Donald Trump is currently the Republican candidate of choice amongst evangelical voters (Washington Post, Boston Globe), Molly Worthen described a rift […]