I have to admit I like to read and hear Jonah Goldberg, author, speaker and frequent contributor to National Review. As he himself admits, he is not Christian (Jewish), but he also admires and respects Christians. Sometimes, Goldberg can be a little “colorful” though he is also very often very funny. His wit is quick. […]
Merry Christmas
26 Dec 2015
Sometimes I sound like a broken record—err, broken iPad for all the millennials. But once again, the problem of bureaucracy comes up, in this case, specifically in relation to the Veterans Administration. This is the scandal that won’t go away. It is in the news again, as we rad of whistleblowers who are “rewarded” for […]
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
20 Dec 2015
**SPOILER FREE PORTION** As I walked into Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I resolved to throw popcorn at the screen if: There was no famous word “crawl” at the beginning. Chewbacca died. Either Jar-Jar Binks, “Force Ghost” Anakin, or an Ewok appeared. Beyond that, my expectations were low, but as John Williams’ […]
It’s easy in an image-filled world of instant news for conservative Christians to see Christmas as under attack. And indeed it is…anything that points to a sovereign, saving God is something that humanist religion seeks to destroy. But….this is nothing new in Christian history, nor is it indicative that God is losing control, as He […]
Why conservatives would generally hold their nose if Mr. Trump is the Republican nominee and vote for him
18 Dec 2015
There are many attributes of Mr. Trump to praise and condemn. His willingness to take on the crazy political correctness of the left today is both. In some ways, he’s like Ross Perot of 20+ years ago; about half of what Mr. Perot said was so dead right on that it was incredible. Unfortunately, the remaining […]
A New Paradigm for Addressing Poverty
13 Dec 2015
Is there a “poverty industry”? Is the way we attempt to alleviate poverty wrong, outdated, even harmful? These are two questions the new documentary Poverty, Inc. attempts to address. I had the opportunity to host a screening this video documentary at Cedarville University, sponsored by the Department of History and Government and the Institute for […]
“Dark Matter” in the Federal Universe
11 Dec 2015
I regret I cannot compete with my colleague Mark Smith for sheer humor. In fact, talking about Federal regulations can be really boring. But what they lack in pizzaz, they make up for in importance–unfortunately in a negative way. I read a very illuminating study by Clyde Crews, entitled “Mapping Washington’s Lawlessness: A Preliminary Inventory […]
Trump’s Gettysburg Address is HUGE!
10 Dec 2015
The following comes from eyewitness accounts from that historic day, November 19, 1863. The occasion, as is well known, was to commemorate the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the turning points of the United States Civil War. President Donald Trump, the Great Emancipator, spoke to a crowd sprinkled in the blood of the battle. Parents of […]
To set up today’s discussion about Mr. Trump and the latest terrorist violence, we need to review the concept of profiling. In my mind, the history of racial profiling is rightly condemned in the U.S. Like most, my own opinions on this are colored by what I’ve seen. My first experience with racial […]
If you don’t have much to do at the moment perhaps you want to read about the proposed mens rea reform. Perhaps that topic might sound just a bit esoteric if not downright boring, but I venture to say that it may prove to be one of the more important measures discussed among legal scholars […]