In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoover for the presidency of the United States. In his campaign, he had promised American voters a “New Deal.” Little known to most Americans today, Hoover had prepared the way for Roosevelt’s New Deal with several initiatives like the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and public works like the Boulder […]
President Obama and Executive Power
25 Jan 2016
Have we reached a critical mass of voters? On what issue you might ask. On whether big government is bad on the whole. I have read a couple of articles recently, addressing that question. I don’t honestly know whether or to what extent people may believe big government is basically good. But here is a […]
Republicans on the Brink
22 Jan 2016
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” H.L. Mencken Perhaps the moment will melt in the snows of Iowa and New Hampshire, dissolved for all but those obsessed with electoral trivia. Paul Tsongas, Phil Gramm, and Pat Robertson were major players for […]
A Generous People
19 Jan 2016
Well, for those who think the wealthy are stingy and selfish, a new study seems to disprove that old maxim, which, I hesitate to say it, but must, is most often heard from the lips of political liberals who believe the solution to problems requiring money (almost all problems for them) is money, is government. […]
So today’s shocker on Drudge and CNBC is that Mr. Trump says he’ll force Apple to produce in the U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump warned that he would force Apple, the U.S.’s most profitable company, to manufacture all of its products in the U.S. if he is elected president in November 2016. Technology blog […]
Like many of our readers, I can’t watch Mr. Obama’s SOTU. His ability to distort reality is amazing, and simply raises my blood pressure. So why watch? Well, actually because I was hooking up a new TV setup while it was playing and had to check signal. I wasn’t listening very long (maybe a few […]
If only all news coverage resembled Wes Anderson films. Here is CNN's take on the #SOTU in Anderson's style. — Mark Caleb Smith (@markcalebsmith) January 13, 2016 #SOTU always strikes me as too monarchical as we practice it. Far too much adulation of the president–any president–in this setting. — Mark Caleb Smith (@markcalebsmith) January […]
This blog is not investment advice. Mainly because yours truly has no clue what to tell you to do, although some foolishly ask him, demanding SPECIFICS. As if without a specific prediction you have nothing worthwhile to say. It is absolutely true that I might have nothing worthwhile to say–but not because I fail to […]
Wheaton College and Theological Integrity
07 Jan 2016
An interesting situation is developing at Wheaton College in Illinois. A professor there, Larycia Alaine Hawkins, an associate professor of political science, has been placed on administrative leave and may face dismissal over comments she has made and actions she has taken in relation to Islam and Christianity. The full facts are not out yet, […]
What Does the Lord Require, but to Do Justice….?
30 Dec 2015
Few things make me more angry than injustice to others. So I confess I was angry when I read an article today in the December 7, 2015 issue of National Review Online by Stuart Taylor and K. C. Johnson (neither one a conservative by the way), which discussed and criticized the recent abuses by the […]