Marc Clauson’s posts over the last few weeks generated a lot of heat, and perhaps less light than would be good (not due to his writing). Given the emotion on this issue we saw here at BATG, I would refer you to The Gospel Coalition today. Trevin Wax has a great post, raising several questions […]
The Obama Economy: The first president ever without a single year of 3% economic growth.
28 Apr 2016
The good news is that Mr. Obama’s economic record is not the worst; he’s ahead of four other presidents: Assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover […]
The United States of Insolvency
22 Apr 2016
This past week my macroeconomics classes finished their review of the national debt. I assign it in the vain hopes that perhaps my small efforts will awaken at least our students from the slumber of wishful thinking and denial of reality. One of the best parts of being at a Christ-centered university is to be […]
Bathroom Bills and Transgender Rights
21 Apr 2016
My previous post proposed a legal test for deciding cases involving individuals who claim their conscience does not permit them to sell goods or provide services to someone from the LGBT community who seeks a service or good directly related to their claimed status. I ignored the “bathroom bill” in North Carolina, which has caused […]
Batman vs. Superman
19 Apr 2016
(File this under the “better late than never” category.) Hollywood is comic book movies. Comic book movies are Hollywood. The fit seems both natural and perverse. Every film is about the suspension of disbelief. Graphic novels are visual representations that transition simply to the screen now that computer and traditional effects are strong enough to […]
A Test for “Conscientious Objectors”
19 Apr 2016
It’s time to revisit the issue of LGBT rights and legislation to protect individuals from prosecution for refusal to provide some service or good to a homosexual or homosexual couple. As many know by now, both Georgia and North Carolina passed legislation that would either restrict public restroom use to biologically determined individuals or would […]
Happy Tax Day (Late)
19 Apr 2016
Below is a chart comparing categories of income tax between 1913 and 2016, published by Americans for Tax Reform. Note the categories labeled “Top Tax Bracket Threshold” and “Family Standard Deduction,” both adjusted in terms of today’s dollars. Our tax liability now begins at 25 times the amount it began at in 1913. Our deduction […]
Minimum Wage, Minimum Work, Minimum Dignity
11 Apr 2016
California, predictably, has passed a $15/hour minimum wage. New York is likely to. A few cities have done it already. Bernie Sanders wants a Federal wage of $15, while Hillary Clinton wants a $12 wage. And so the issue is once again on the table, at a time when wages are stagnant and unemployment is […]
Another college basketball season has come and gone, as has another football season. I didn’t watch the NCAA National Championship game but did see the last couple of exciting minutes. As always, basketball is fun to watch as is football. But I also read an article in the National Review Online that caught my eye, […]
I’m flying back from Las Vegas as I type this post, just finishing a great conference with the Association of Private Enterprise Education, along with one of our senior students. When we flew into Vegas on Sunday, we had a muscle-bound Bulgarian cabbie, and on the way home today, we had a young man named […]