I was reading a book the other day and happened across mention of part of a poem by William Butler Yeats, written in 1938, entitled “Politics.” I thought it was interesting in the context in which it was cited, which was a discussion of the term and concept, “politics.” One might think a poem with […]
What is Our Life?
12 May 2016
This is the third and last (some are saying “how long O Lord”) of a series of blogs on Christian worldview. I defined what is meant by worldview, by integration of worldview in academic disciplines, the role of presuppositions as a starting point, the elements of any worldview and the issues of the relationship of […]
A major part of the Dodd-Frank bill that Mr. Obama and the Democratic congress of 2009-2010 was the creation of an agency to protect consumers, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Dodd-Frank was troubling enough; I’ll not delve too deeply into that murky mess other than to note the irony of the financial reform bill […]
Make America Grade Again
09 May 2016
Make America Grade Again! You see, there are these tests. Piles of tests, an absolute nightmare. These exams, they are choking the life out of professors. I remember when we did not have these tests. You know, I have it on good authority that these tests, from these freshmen, they are terrible. Terrible! If we […]
In the last post I introduced the concepts of a worldview, of integration and specifically of a Christian worldview. I assumed the Scriptures as the “bedrock” foundation of that worldview, without proof or examination. That is not to say this approach is fideistic, as there are good reasons for this assumption. But that has to […]
It has been about 35 years since both my conversion to Christianity and reading a life-changing book on Christian worldview, entitled Idols for Destruction by Herbert Schlossberg. It was this book that began my intense interest in integrating my Christian faith with the disciplines with which I interacted. My deep interest has never disappeared and […]
This is Not a Shampoo Commercial: It’s Worse
07 May 2016
I read another article today on the evils of occupational licensing, this one coming from Tennessee, which requires 300 hours of approved training to (get this) shampoo hair. And the so-called shampoo degree coats upwards of $5,000 to $12,000! (see The Daily Signal of ma2, at http://dailysignal.com/2016/05/02/it-takes-300-hours-to-become-a-shampooer-in-tennessee). After reading the entire article I was just […]
Captain America: Civil War is Superior
06 May 2016
Captain America: Civil War represents the best of the Marvel Universe and American action films. It is far from a message movie, but CA:CW is grounded in the questions that have dogged our world for the past two decades. What is justice? What is truth? Can power and responsibility be exercised together? What is a bearable cost […]
“The LORD, He is God; the LORD, He is God.”
04 May 2016
I woke this morning earlier than usual (around 4:30) and my mind raced to the reality that Mr. Trump is the Republican nominee. It’s certainly easy to get discouraged, perhaps even to lose sleep. Yet in my quiet time this morning (one of the benefits of getting up early), as I reflected on what God […]
Trumpeting toward Irrationality
03 May 2016
During my graduate studies at George Mason University, I was blessed with outstanding faculty, especially in the field of Public Choice economics (the study of the public sector using economic methodology). Nobel Laureate James Buchanan led the intellectual tradition, but there were many other fine minds, including a brash young economist from Princeton, Bryan Caplan. I […]