We have been here in Washington, DC for about two weeks now and after two prior stays, one in 2013 and another in 1964 (!), I have a few observations about just how big, powerful and even “Messianic” government has become at the federal level, based on what I have seen physically in terms of […]
Power and Its Expressions
06 Sep 2016
How you frame the question means a lot
31 Aug 2016
My son sent me a link the other day to a isidewith.com to see who I would vote for. You are allowed to weight the questions according that issue’s importance to you, which ostensibly will lead to a more accurate assessment of who you support based on their positions. I came down solidly on the […]
Romans 13 and God’s Sense of Humor
29 Aug 2016
For the past several weeks, I have been leading an adult Sunday school series at Calvary Baptist Church in Bellefontaine, Ohio. The topic–politics from a biblical perspective. Such discussions are always a bit touchy since my presentation does not always conform to expected patterns. I spent one lesson exploring our obligations to government as believers. […]
Who Really Benefits from Internet Sales Taxes?
28 Aug 2016
So it seems Bob Goodlatte, a Republican House member from Virginia has introduced for circulation among his Judiciary Committee colleagues a framework proposal for taxing internet sales transactions, something “brick and mortar” stores have wanted for some time. Goodlatte’s aide says the plan is simple and fair. As an article on the plan states, “Internet […]
Campaign News: Still Depressing
23 Aug 2016
Hillary Clinton’s unique unfitness for the presidency continues to be readily apparent. The Washington Post ran two items that highlight Mrs. Clinton’s ethical problems. Though bad for Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump did not skate through the week. First, Helderman, Hsu, and Hamburger co-authored an article on the relationship between Clinton Foundation donations and access to […]
The Obamacare Slow Leak
22 Aug 2016
Maybe you have read some articles in the past weeks about insurance providers leaving the Obamacare market in some states (I just read another one today). Well, it likely will get worse. Here is what is happening. First we need to understand how Obamacare works. The entire scheme was predicated on the ability to tax […]
When asked how one could tell whether a country had left capitalism and become a socialist economy, the Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises said: “A stock market is crucial to the existence of capitalism and private property. For it means that there is a functioning market in the exchange of private titles to the means of […]
In a blog a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was writing a book on the topic of worldview. I posted the first chapter and asked for feedback. I appreciate the comments I received, and the spirit in which they were made. I have also edited the chapter I posted then, both before I […]
The Great Enrichment and Inequality
12 Aug 2016
I have been reading the third in a trilogy of books by Deidre McCloskey on economic history and economic thought, but each one having a powerful point of application for our economy and our well-being today. The trilogy is massive, running to about 2,000 pages in three volumes. This third volume is Bourgeois Equality (University […]
I have so far avoided taking any position on the two main candidates for president. For my colleague Mark Smith, don’t worry, I will. I intend to continue the path of avoidance in this blog. Today I would like to examine and evaluate each candidate’s economic program. I say nothing about their personal morality, or […]