One of the blessings embedded in the nightmare that we call the 2016 presidential election is at some point soon, Mr. Obama will no longer directly control the reins of political power. His presidency has been a dismal failure in terms of economic growth, foreign policy, dealing with the burgeoning entitlement state, and of course, […]
What is Comey Doing?
04 Nov 2016
James Comey’s decision to reopen the investigation against Sec. Hillary Clinton has caused an immense amount of conjecture. His initial, rather confusing, statements about Sec. Clinton after the first investigation that she had been wreckless, dishonest, and at the very least violated policy related to the handling of classified documents ended with a recommendation that […]
“God save the…Country”: The Courts and Brexit
04 Nov 2016
I just felt the need to make a quick comment on the recent ruling by a Court holding that the Brexit vote was not valid without a vote by Parliament. This was a very odd ruling for several reasons, the most interesting being that the British government is not at all structured like ours. Despite […]
Conservatives and Cronyism: Time to Take Action
04 Nov 2016
A really important column appeared November 3, 2016 by Yuval Levin in the National Review Online. The title was “It’s Time for the Right to Get Serious about Tackling Cronyism,” and that title perfectly captures the thrust of the article. You can read it here: (Sorry, Bert Wheeler, I still can’t master just “link”). […]
Immigration – A Response to Marc Clauson
02 Nov 2016
I would like to thank Marc Clauson for adding another page in our discussion on immigration. My policy position on immigration and Marc’s policy position on immigration are very close, which makes the discussion all the more interesting, because I do think we have some differences on how we arrive at our conclusions. I also […]
A Response on Immigration
02 Nov 2016
My Bereans colleague Bert Wheeler has written compelling piece here essentially in favor of open immigration. In theory and in essence I agree with his conclusions, but I would not take such a seemingly broad stance on the issue. Several things are important to understand. I believe he would also affirm at least most of […]
Candidates: Step Down; Voters: Step Up
31 Oct 2016
Republicans from George Pataki to sitting members of Congress to theologian Wayne Grudem have called for Donald Trump to step down as GOP presidential candidate in recent weeks. Now, the tables have turned. The recent announcement by FBI director, Jim Comey to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email improprieties has led to calls for […]
“Calling God’s sexual ethic hate speech does Satan’s bidding. This is Orwellian nonsense or worse.”
31 Oct 2016
Rosaria Butterfield, who walked away from the lesbian community, argues this in a profound piece over at The Gospel Coalition, where she offers a compelling critique of our cultural surrender: For when we advocate for laws and policies that bless the relationships that God calls sin, we are acting as though we think ourselves more merciful than […]
Mr. Trump blames bad trade deals as helping the Chinese profit at the U.S.’s expense. Undoubtedly we could have better trade deals, if we made them one-page long rather than the monstrosities that Washington normally cooks up. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that on balance free trade agreements are beneficial, leading to higher standards of living […]
Open Borders / Open Immigration
26 Oct 2016
I am in favor of open immigration. I believe an open immigration policy is consistent with free markets and the Christian worldview. I also believe the policy is consistent the political philosophy which gave birth to the United States of America. Over the past several years, I have posted my rationale for my support of open […]