Today Representative John Culbertson (R-Texas) pulled (that is, withdrew) a bill that would have made changes to the earmark ban the House imposed earlier. An earmark is basically an addition to a bill that includes some kind of project or spending for the congressman’s home district. It is a rider. And normally, it constitutes “pork […]
Earmarks, Pork and the Meat Axe: Time for Action
17 Nov 2016
Talking Trade – I, Woollen Coat
16 Nov 2016
During the campaign, president-elect Trump was occasionally Narcissistic, evidenced political Inexperience, was sometimes Thin-skinned, and often Short tempered (NITS). However, his acceptance speech sought “… to bind the wounds of division”. Since the election he has had a long meeting with President Obama and has been conferring with members of the Republican Party. Donald J. Trump has […]
The Alt-Right: What is it and does it exist?
16 Nov 2016
The latest term to be coined by political pundits and liberals as well as conservatives of various stripes is “alt-right.” I have had a short back-and-forth conversation with some of my Bereans colleagues and read a few articles on this phenomenon. Well, guess what, I can’t find agreement on it. Is it a “real” phenomenon […]
California Dreamin….of secession?
15 Nov 2016
Progressives are continuing their refusal to recognize reality, as protests continued yesterday in major cities. To be fair, both sides enjoy pointing out they hypocrisy of their opponent’s ideological views. Yet I can’t help but smile in sadness at the almost infantilization of our progressive youths today. It was just 8 days ago that we […]
I have made some scattered comments in recent months in relation to this past election cycle and the candidates for president. I think I made it clear that neither was anywhere close to an ideal. Especially was this true for Christians looking honestly at each candidate. I am sure we can all point to severe […]
Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the […]
Trumpian optimism
11 Nov 2016
Like most of my fellow Bereans, I would wish for a different outcome for president. Yet I awoke on Wednesday with some political hope for the first time in eight years. Yes, there are significant dangers, and Mr. Trump will likely provide more embarrassment than usual. But perhaps politics will follow the fundamental rule of […]
10 Nov 2016
That has been my reaction several times in the last two days. The first was when I turned on the television for the first time Tuesday midway through the evening and heard that Ohio had gone for Trump by double digits. Wait…what!?! I thought to myself. The final vote was under 10% but that was […]
My Trumpotheses
10 Nov 2016
I have waged an extraordinarily minor campaign against Donald Trump as a nominee and as a candidate. I say “waged” very loosely, because I did not make it a point to oppose him, but I honestly believed a Trump presidency would be disastrous. I was troubled by his character, inexperience, temperament, and policies. As an […]
What Do We Do?
09 Nov 2016
The historic election is over; President-elect Trump gave his acceptance speech just before 3 AM Eastern time this morning. Some United States citizens are elated over the prospect of Trump’s presidency and some are downcast at the collapse of our government. Many of us are somewhere in between. What do we do? The smoke has cleared. […]