I was reading an interesting article in Reason today that directly addressed one of the major issues I have raised before and frequently alluded to (see http://reason.com/archives/2016/12/19/trump-versus-the-we-bes, December 20, 2016). It has to do with the theme of “Trump versus the bureaucracy.” One could substitute any president’s name in that slogan since the 1930s at […]
Bureaucracy and the New President
20 Dec 2016
Are all sins the same?
19 Dec 2016
And if not, are there any implications for us in a political economy blog? Michael Kruger over at The Gospel Coalition asks the question of whether all sins are the same, and answers no. He notes that both people who take sin serious and those that don’t can come to this conclusion. For the person who […]
This blog is generally about current policies or issues in the news or that are still current to a degree in the realm of political economy, politics, and economics. I have been reading a really interesting book by Jonathan Wight, entitled Ethics in Economics: An Introduction to Moral Frameworks (Stanford University Press, 2015). Wight addresses […]
In an article from CNS News dated December 16, 2016, we have the new but predictable Census Bureau statistics on median income for households in counties of the United States. The first four richest counties are, …, you guessed it, all in the Washington, DC area, and range from about $99,000 per year to $122, […]
Trump’s Trumps
15 Dec 2016
A new controversy–well, not really new, just renewed–has now taken the stage regarding President-Elect Donald Trump’s transition. This one concerns the “flavor” of his cabinet choices, taken collectively. The media and Democrats are trying to figure out (1) what they tell us about Trump and (2) what the supporter–stakeholders think about the choices. Those are […]
Non-Fake Update on Fake News
13 Dec 2016
This is getting a bit confusing. Now we see fake news writers excoriating what they call fake news. Moreover, we now have a battle of alleged fake news going. In the past few days the allegation that Russia was hacking the Democratic National Committee website has been a major theme of the Left in DC. […]
Saudi America Wins! OPEC Waves the White Flag!
13 Dec 2016
One of the bright spots in the U.S. economy over the last decade was the incredible technology revolution in the energy sector with hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” The U.S. energy revolution drove the nail through the heart of economic pessimists claiming that we’d hit “peak oil,” and were doomed to run out of cheap fossil […]
Trump and the “Bully” Pulpit
08 Dec 2016
Donald J. Trump will soon ascend to the most powerful office in the history of the world. He is used to the worlds of business and show business, and his unfamiliarity with politics was his greatest qualification for many voters who desired change above all else. Trump, though, needs to transition between these worlds. He […]
Fake News: Hint, this blog is not fake news
07 Dec 2016
Well, it appears that at least some people have now found a new pet peeve, so-called “fake news,” to be useful in attacking news stories they don’t like. The term of course is new, but the fact is not new at all. Various media throughout the centuries have engaged in propagandistic writing in various forms, […]
Elitism and Elitism
02 Dec 2016
Am I an elitist? Does the fact that I support the continued existence of the Electoral College make me elitist? Does my sometimes suspicion of democracy in its raw form make me elitist? And, is being an elitist all bad? Or is there some distinction between being an elitist and a pernicious brand of elitism? […]