Why do people still read Plato? Aristotle? The Bible? Augustine? Thomas Aquinas? John Locke? Immanuel Kant (well, maybe not so much)? What unifies them? It isn’t religion. Plato and Aristotle were most certainly not Christians. Augustine and Aquinas would have disagreed on the extent of man’s capacity to know and to will the good. The […]
The Examined Life–With Some Help
17 Feb 2017
My colleague of several decades, two universities and fellow Berean Marc Clauson penned a response to a post I made on February 8. In his response, Mark said that I had written a piece “… addressing more than one issue related to President Trump. The one that caught my attention was immigration policy.” I had […]
Immigration: A Partial Response
14 Feb 2017
My colleague Bert Wheeler wrote a recent piece on Bereans addressing more than one issue related to President Trump. The one that caught my attention was immigration policy. Bert expressed his concern (rightly) about Trump’s policies on that front. I assume from his use of the word “concerns” meant that he might or did have […]
Some News to Ponder: In No Particular Order
14 Feb 2017
The news keeps coming in and things keep boiling in and around Washington, DC, that bastion of all things good and decent. Let’s just list a few: General Flynn resigns, ostensibly for some security missteps. Another part of this story however is the revealed extreme politicization of the Intelligence agencies and the Justice Department. For […]
An Exile in Trumplandia and The Road to Serfdom
08 Feb 2017
Illiberal. That one word, expresses my primary fear about President Donald J Trump. Yesterday I posted An Exile in Trumplandia Discovers Twitter which I hope partially illustrates our president’s response to some of the institutional pushback he is seeing. When I use the word “liberal”, I am not using the word to mean government control, as “liberal” has […]
An Exile in Trumplandia Discovers Twitter
07 Feb 2017
I have been fairly adept avoiding social media so far. Over a decade ago I experimented with Facebook for a very short while, soon deciding that Facebook simply took up too much time. When we joined a house church in the early part of this decade I revived my Facebook account in order to read […]
The Liberal Arts in the Christian Context
05 Feb 2017
Leland Ryken, Professor of English Emeritus at Wheaton College, has a fine track record of scholarship over a career that began in 1968. He has written thoughtfully about integration in his field, among other topics, but in particular I encourage you to focus on his well known essay entitled “The Student’s Calling.” In it he […]
Executive Order in the Court
04 Feb 2017
A Federal judge in Washington State today issued an injunction preventing the enforcement of President Trump’s Executive Order (EO)halting immigration and entry programs from seven nations for 90 and 120 days respectively. I have already written about my own response to the EO as a policy matter and also said something about a Christian response […]
Will Mr. Trump be the Squanderer-in-Chief?
02 Feb 2017
These are difficult days in the Trump administration. Really? Difficult days in only two weeks on the job? No Bereans were happy with Mr. Trump’s personal character, and no Bereans were happy with all of his policy prescriptions. Yet most of us believed that Mrs. Clinton was a worse evil, and all of us thought […]
Trump Comes Through for Evangelicals
31 Jan 2017
The most important moment of the 2016 presidential campaign happened on February 13, 2016. There were no primaries or caucuses and no one entered or dropped out of the race. Instead, on that day, the world learned of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death on a ranch in Texas. What was an important election against a historic […]