Remarkably, we have decided to suffer the slings and arrows of our oppressors and offer the world what it has never demanded. Here is our inaugural video blog we have appropriately titled Mutually Assured Idiocy. “Enjoy.” (This was recorded last week, but some knave was too busy to “edit” and upload the file until today. […]
Mutually Assured Idiocy–Bereans@TheGate VLOG #1
03 Mar 2017
Is Trump Now the GOP?
01 Mar 2017
What, now, is the Republican Party? Last night, in his most conventional moment to date, President Trump challenged the soul of the GOP. Based on applause, is it now safe to say the Republican Party stands for protectionism, a $1 trillion infrastructure project, paid family and medical leave, and governmental restrictions on drug prices and […]
Quick ? for Mr. Trump based on his speech
01 Mar 2017
Mr. Trump rightly noted that any healthcare reform, to be effective: it must be the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by the Government. I like this principle. But this leads to a natural follow-on question. If it is good for Americans to be able to buy the health care plan they […]
The Work of Two Intellectual Giants
26 Feb 2017
I come to praise the dead, or perhaps, to recognize their importance at the least. Actually a little of both. Last week the intellectual world lost two more giants. Perhaps I am getting old, but this seems to be happening with greater frequency. Michael Novak and Kenneth Arrow both died. Novak (1933-2017) and Arrow (1921-2017) […]
As I’ve shared before, I am excited by some of Mr. Trump’s economic agenda, and his executive orders even this week on regulation are a great first step toward unleashing the American economy. When I consider our budget issues going forward, the best way to enable any other necessary change is for faster economic growth. […]
On February 17, 2017 Michael Novak, champion of capitalism, died at the age of 83. Arguably Novak had a more significant impact than any other scholar of his generation who wrote on political economy from a distinctive Christian perspective. I picked up my copy of his 1982 classic: The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism (still a best seller at Amazon). […]
The Examined Life–With Some Help
17 Feb 2017
Why do people still read Plato? Aristotle? The Bible? Augustine? Thomas Aquinas? John Locke? Immanuel Kant (well, maybe not so much)? What unifies them? It isn’t religion. Plato and Aristotle were most certainly not Christians. Augustine and Aquinas would have disagreed on the extent of man’s capacity to know and to will the good. The […]
My colleague of several decades, two universities and fellow Berean Marc Clauson penned a response to a post I made on February 8. In his response, Mark said that I had written a piece “… addressing more than one issue related to President Trump. The one that caught my attention was immigration policy.” I had […]
Immigration: A Partial Response
14 Feb 2017
My colleague Bert Wheeler wrote a recent piece on Bereans addressing more than one issue related to President Trump. The one that caught my attention was immigration policy. Bert expressed his concern (rightly) about Trump’s policies on that front. I assume from his use of the word “concerns” meant that he might or did have […]
Some News to Ponder: In No Particular Order
14 Feb 2017
The news keeps coming in and things keep boiling in and around Washington, DC, that bastion of all things good and decent. Let’s just list a few: General Flynn resigns, ostensibly for some security missteps. Another part of this story however is the revealed extreme politicization of the Intelligence agencies and the Justice Department. For […]