Thanks to our frequent critic Mr. Adams, we have the opportunity to think about how we deal with “facts” that go against everything we know to be true. When the latest scientific study comes out claiming that global warming is happening (despite no warming in the last 20 years), or that the minimum wage actually […]
Paul Krugman, the Nobel Laureate economist who writes op-ed’s for the NYT’s, delights in ideological conflict with conservatives. And there are whole hosts of blog sites that routinely spar back with him, such as this Austrian post. So I generally disagree with him. Yet his post earlier this week has a lot of merit to it. […]
The Greatest (True) Story Ever Told
16 Apr 2017
On this Easter evening, I would like to take just a second to express my profoundest thanksgiving for what Jesus Christ has done for me and for all who place their unfeigned trust in Him to rescue them from condemnation due to sin. Jesus has won the victory over sin, death, Hell and the Devil. […]
Howard Slugh had an interesting article in the National Review Online on April 10, entitled “Obergefell’s Toxic Judicial Legacy.” At the time the case was decided (2015) I wondered whether the language used by Justice Kennedy establishing a right to homosexual marriage might be used to claim other new rights not mentioned in the Constitution […]
Mutually Assured Idiocy–March 31, 2017
03 Apr 2017
Welcome back to our VLOG. On this week’s episode, here is what you will find. 0:33 Mike Pence “Scandal” 6:26 California Prosecution of Undercover Recordings 11:53 Health Care Update 16:02 Gorsuch, Filibuster, The Nuclear Option We hope you enjoy!
A Preliminary Look at Health Costs and Insurance
02 Apr 2017
I was asked to address the question of insurance in connection with healthcare, so I am finally mostly over my flu and hopefully can think more lucidly. Insurance, as has been defined by some others, is simply a hedge against the future attained by paying someone (an insurer) who has established a firm that accepts […]
The Next Step Toward the Brave New World
02 Apr 2017
Wesley Smith wrote a short news item on “The Corner” in National Review Online, and linking a longer article in First Things, in which he mentions that in New Zealand and India, a few rivers have now been granted formal rights, allowing them, through their lawyers, to sue on behalf of themselves. They were legally […]
Ted Poe, R-NC, and a House member of the Freedom Caucus, has quit the group, uttering these words among others: “saying no is easy, governing is hard.” This was in reference to the Caucus’s opposition to the American Health Care Act, which was pulled by Paul Ryan before a vote. Poe says he wants to […]
The Core Problem of Common Core.
26 Mar 2017
I suppose it is time to write about Common Core again, in light of the recent withdrawal of a former Bush administration pro-Common Core staffer, Hanna Skandera, from consideration as an assistant secretary for the Department of Education. This blog is not about her specifically, though she is a member of one of the Common […]
Earlier this week we heard with great candor from former Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey, expressing dismay at the Trump budget. Why? Cuts in the EPA? Cuts for Big Bird and PBS? No. Senator Kerrey is concerned about Mr. Trump’s unwillingness to do something about our biggest budget challenge–the runaway growth of […]