I just returned from a visit with my mother in my (and her) home city, Huntington, West Virginia. We drove by way of Portsmouth, Ohio. Both cities are in “flyover country” and both have suffered from the heavy (and likely irreversible) loss of manufacturing jobs. To give you an idea of the losses, Huntington has […]
When in the Course of human events …
04 Jul 2017
… it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they […]
SCOTUS Gets Religious Liberty Right–For Now
26 Jun 2017
The issue seems paltry at first glance. A preschool/daycare affiliated with a church applies for state funding to help with some playground improvements. The goal of the Missouri program is to put recycled tires to good use. Trinity Lutheran Church Child Learning Center’s application for the funding was judged to be fifth out of forty-four […]
In Search of the Ties that Bind
15 Jun 2017
As all our readers know, a deranged gunman opened fire on a group of Republicans in Alexandria, VA this morning. The partisans were preparing for a charity baseball game. As of now, five people were shot, including U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), and the gunman was killed by Capitol Hill Police officers. Nothing I’m about […]
Sharia Law Protests: The Truth About Sharia
10 Jun 2017
It has been reported that today (June 19m 2017) has been set aside for protests around the nation against Sharia law, the legal system used in most Muslim countries to a greater or lesser extent. The principles for Sharia are derived from both the Quran and Hadith, the alleged sayings of Muhammed and have been […]
President Trump has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Agreement. I will say at the outset that I support this move. Let’s settle the “legal” issues first. The agreement was not a treaty, and was not ratified by the Senate. It might be classified as an executive agreement or as a simple presidential agreement. The courts […]
Memorial Day and Patriotism
28 May 2017
On Memorial Day we take time to remember the sacrifices made by those who have served and currently served in the United States military, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It is right that we should do so. This commemoration is intended to be neither overly sentimental nor falsely patriotic to the point […]
A reader asked me to post something on President Trump’s proposed budget to Congress. Opinions have varied as to whether this budget is the apocalypse on one end or the second coming on the other, and pretty much every nuance in between. As with most budgets–though you may not remember the last one, since it […]
Trump’s Follies: Ethical? Legal? Impeachable?
18 May 2017
My Bereans colleague Mark Smith wrote a blog post the other day that has irritated some people and made others quite happy. In this post, I hope to irritate both sides of the Donald Trump “crisis.” By now, we have all read or heard about President Trump’s misdeeds, or alleged misdeeds, depending on your perspective: […]
Trump and the Consciousness of Guilt
17 May 2017
Vincent Bugliosi was a famed criminal attorney. He prosecuted Charles Manson and defended a handful of clients accused of murder. He documented his exploits in Helter Skelter, And the Sea Will Tell, and other true crime tales. In his book Outrage, Bugliosi turned his gaze toward the O.J. Simpson trial, particularly the failure of the […]