One of the practical applications of the Christian walk is found in Romans 12:15, “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” Today there is a family weeping for the loss of their daughter, a victim of the manifestation of one person’s hatred toward others. It is, of course, easy to simply […]
Weeping for Charlottesville
14 Aug 2017
A Mild Defense of Congress
09 Aug 2017
I could wax eloquent on behalf of used car salesmen, or guard the virtue of attorneys, and even preach on the positivity of out-sourced corporate customer service. All those efforts would pale, it seems, in comparison to a defense of the United States Congress. With approval ratings that read like a Fairbanks weather report, Congress […]
I happened to catch a couple of minutes of the Rush Limbaugh program, in which he was playing some snippets from an interview of Kurt Anderson and Charlie Rose on PBS, on the subject of Anderson’s new book, Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire. The theme of the books seems to center on how conservative talk […]
We haven’t really touched on the economy in a while, so I’ll briefly hit some of the latest news and invite your discussion in the comments. First up is the state of the markets. Many Berean readers know that I’m suspicious of the markets, and have been for years, since valuations by most conventional measures […]
I have refrained from writing about health care recently until I could get a better handle on what would happen. It seems I now have a better handle–for now at least. The Senate bill or its iterations was likely doomed to failure for this reason: There were and are at least three factions at cross-purposes: […]
Churches and Zoning: An Interesting Clash
28 Jul 2017
I read an interesting article that brought together my concerns both about zoning and land use and religious freedom issues. It seems the City of Palo Alto, California, quite a nice place to live it is said, and the home of the elite Stanford University, is “cracking down on churches” that allegedly violate its zoning […]
The “Better Deal” is Another Raw Deal
28 Jul 2017
The Democratic Party, recognizing that it has lost touch with many of its former constituents, rolled out its “Better Deal” this week in Virginia. We have now had Teddy Roosevelt’s “Square Deal,” Franklin Roosevelt’s more famous (or infamous) “New Deal,” Harry Truman’s “Fair Deal,” and now the latest “deal” for the American people. All of […]
Civil Asset Forfeiture: A “Criminal” Action
28 Jul 2017
Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF) is back in the news as Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced an expanded Federal program just the other day. I was extremely surprised and disappointed in his announcement. Like other Federal forays (and in this case, state), the CAF program has been so abused by law enforcement that it must be […]
Bigger government means less tolerance
28 Jul 2017
Many Americans of all political stripes consider the heated level of political rhetoric to be harmful to our country, and the recognition that we’re very divided is not generally seen as a good thing. Yet I think we often fail to see the reason why there is seemingly more division. We blame the 24 hour […]
Turning the battle of Dunkirk into a film presents obvious challenges, for it was less a battle and more a retreat. Filming a strategic withdrawal that occurs at the beginning of a protracted war harbors no obvious moments of glory and only a muted climax. Christopher Nolan, the director and obvious driving force behind the […]