Some of the Bereans are joined by a special guest, Dr. Glen Duerr, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies, at Cedarville University.
Bereans VLOG (9/22/2017)
25 Sep 2017
Whatever your brand of protestant faith, I think that in this coming month of October–in a very important sense–we are all Lutherans: here we stand. The monk from Wittenberg was the spark that roared to an unquenchable fire, hitting the dry wood of people yearning for the true word of God. As Michael Reeves says, […]
Bereans VLOG (9/15/2017)
16 Sep 2017
The VLOG is back! Coming next? Podcast.
Yes, repeating something true to intentionally deceive is a lie. The case of the (missing) gender pay gap
15 Sep 2017
Saying something with an intent to deceive is hard not to call a lie. Now perhaps we can forgive politicians (or the rest of us) who pick up too quickly an idea that we hear about without fully understanding its validity. But if challenged on it, we should be willing to adjust our perspective when […]
What George Orwell Knew
09 Sep 2017
The mainstream media coverage of the economic impact of hurricanes Harvey and Irma has been very good. There is generally an acknowledgment of the individual human pain and suffering that comes from catastrophic natural disasters. The loss of human life is incalculable from an economic perspective. Upwards of 70 people have died because of hurricane […]
Culture wars and transgender-ism are inescapable
05 Sep 2017
In The Fellowship Of The Ring, Frodo “wished the ring had never come to me,” to which Gandalf responded, “So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” […]
Compassion in Houston: Altruism or Selfishness?
04 Sep 2017
On a Fox News group show this morning (Saturday, Sept 2 on “Bulls and Bears”) I heard one person say that businesses in Houston had opened their buildings for individuals and even were giving merchandise away to those in need. The pundit then added that the owners of these businesses probably acted as they did […]
“Legal Censorship:” A Growing Issue
04 Sep 2017
I have a message for Google, Facebook and other online platforms that have recently begun to engage in “private censorship.” While what they do is legal, since the First Amendment does not apply to private entities, if they continue their reliance on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of “hate groups” to decide who may […]
Radical Individualism
29 Aug 2017
On October 18 Andrew T. Walker, Director of Policy Studies at the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention will speak in Cedarville University’s Chapel. I have just finished reading Andrew’s new book God and the Transgender Debate: What Does the Bible Actually Say About Gender Identity?. The book helped me understand the issue more clearly […]
The broader Christian community continues to struggle with how to engage the culture in the ongoing sexual revolution–how do we hate the sin and love the sinner? There seems to be a consensus that what was done in the past was at a minimum strategically ineffective, and that a new path forward must be forged. […]