I love Russell Moore; I greatly enjoy his teaching and respect much of what I hear from him. Yet while a foolish person may be occasionally right, so too can a wise person be occasionally wrong. In an article over at 9Marks, Dr. Moore suggests that politics has consumed the Christian church. I read into […]
Could Russell Moore be wrong? Maybe we don’t need less Christian engagement in Politics, maybe we need more?
25 Apr 2018
Bereans VLOG: Trump, Cohen, Etc…
25 Apr 2018
The Bereans discuss the importance of Michael Cohen and his recent connection to legal investigations.
Federal Jobs For All! Yes, that’s what we need!
24 Apr 2018
So says Bernie Sanders, or at least that is a bill he is trying to put together. As reported over at The Hill, Sanders’ program would provide everyone at least $15/hr, in either work or training. They would also receive health care. Darrick Hamilton, an economist at The New School, told the Washington Post, “The […]
Bereans VLOG: On Facebook & Footwear
18 Apr 2018
The Bereans take an unconventional approach to discussing Facebook.
Bereans VLOG: National Debt
13 Apr 2018
The Bereans discuss the implications of the growing national debt in light of the Congressional Budget Office’s new, and negative, numbers.
Trump v China
09 Apr 2018
Mr. Trump likes to think of himself as a free trader, but in his mind, free trade isn’t free (or at least mutually beneficial) when the other side is continually cheating. I tend to be very skeptical of Mr. Trump’s trade policies, especially since his stated logic is grounded in fundamental fallacies, such as the […]
VLOG: Omnibus Plus Trump’s Stormy Weather
30 Mar 2018
The Bereans discuss the recent omnibus spending bill as well as the President’s continued problems.
I have always been puzzled by progressives unyielding faith in government as the solution to social problems, and indeed, almost always the federal government. In my mind, the repeated and demonstrable failures of government to solve problems that are unrelated to its constitutional (or better yet, Biblical) roles should give everyone pause. Yet progressives do […]
Major Trade War Between the Two Kingdoms
23 Mar 2018
In case you missed the news: Middle-Earth Announces Heavy Tariffs On Narnian Imports
The Bereans spend more time discussing Donald Trump and Evangelical support.