***This is a three-part series on Living the Truth in Politics. Part 1 sets the stage of how truth is treated in the political realm. Part 2 looks at how the Bible treats truth, especially for the Child of God. Part 3 examines the obvious conflict and attempts to answer a question: how does the […]
Living the Truth in Politics: Part 1
25 Aug 2018
In a recent post on the “S” word, some of the commenters suggested that universal health care is not all that bad, so what’s to be afraid of? Now I am not in favor of universal health care as defined by most young progressives, i.e., government provided health care for all, and I am somewhat […]
What to do with Elon, SEC style
15 Aug 2018
The WSJ’s Holman Jenkin’s reviewed the SEC’s tough problem with Elon Musk and Tesla in last night’s edition. The problem is that Elon has a pretty ugly relationship with the stock market, since while he has cultivated quite a passionate following for his own activities and dreams (leading to high stock prices), there are many […]
Short musings on today’s politics–conservatives lose Ohio, Trumpian trade travails, and the “S” word
08 Aug 2018
As wake this morning, the bellwether Ohio special election is too close to call, with Republican Troy Balderson a mere 1500 votes up with 3000 provisional votes and other absentee votes yet uncounted. I suspect he’ll hold on given the red nature of that seat. But conservatives have already lost as he is a panderer […]
I’ve been criticizing Mr. Trump for trade for some time now, and unfortunately I don’t think that’s going to let up anytime soon. However, I want to continue to give him credit in this limited sense: Presidents (and politicians generally) don’t make the economy grow faster, but what they can do is take away the […]
Mr. Trump’s Monetary Machinations
23 Jul 2018
Mr. Trump extended his economic mischief this past week by opining that the Federal Reserve should slow down the rate hikes, as these hikes are leading to a stronger dollar (true) and hurting the U.S. (false). Now Mr. Trump is just doing what politicians of all stripes (especially politicians that follow Keynesian economics) have often […]
One of the great selling points for pro-Trump conservatives during the campaign was that Trump would be constrained by wise, prudent advisors who would put guardrails around the president. Mike Pence, Ben Carson, John Kelly, James Mattis, and others would all push Trump toward better outcomes and they would make up for his historic lack […]
Whirlpool’s cronyism backfires on them
16 Jul 2018
Whirlpool helped start the cronyism trade policies of the Trump Administration with their cries of unfair practices by their toughest competitors, including Samsung. In the WSJ today (gated), we see that it hasn’t perhaps worked out the way that Whirlpool intended. When they initially had tariffs enacted on washing machines, Marc Bitzer, the chief executive […]
Mr. Trump is apparently going to get his trade war, and I predict a colossal failure. But this is one war I’ll be glad for the U.S. to lose. Just as there is really no victor in war (in the sense that the lives that were lost are forever gone), so too will whatever trade […]
Love of God & Love of Country
04 Jul 2018
I suffer no illusion what I’m saying is new or original, but sometimes truths must be repeated in new words or modes. It is why we roll down the windows on the highway, crank up the radio, and scream like idiots when particular chords are strummed. It is why we set aside at least one […]