Like many of our readers (and Americans generally), I like many of the President’s policies, and I like some aspects of his behavior. His willingness to break the mold and stir the pot a different way is in many respects positive–challenging alliances with blunt talk, being willing to challenge sacrosanct but corrupt international institutions, refusing […]
The Corrupting Influence of Mr. Trump
04 Oct 2018
The Bereans are back and once again discuss the Kavanuagh confirmation hearings. Please leave any comments and question below.
Who’s “Protected” By Tariffs?
01 Oct 2018
This afternoon I’m prepping for our Intermediate Microeconomics class, and I’m re-reading Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson. I choose to assign this book because in the complexities of economic theory that a standard Intermediate Microeconomics course entails, we must not lose sight of the essence of economics, seeing the unseen. Thus today’s chapter is in the title, […]
We’ve posted earlier on some of the perverse results and unintended consequences of Mr. Trump’s trade policies, but today’s WSJ highlights yet more. First, aluminum producers are finding their profits down even while aluminum prices are up, because the integrated global economy and the current division of labor have critical inputs whose prices are driven […]
Bill Cosby as a Lesson for Our Political Moment
26 Sep 2018
I grew up in prime Bill Cosby years. When I was quite young, I watched Fat Albert, the cartoon where Cosby gave a voice to a memorable cast of characters. “Hey, Hey, Hey” was a constant catchphrase for me and my friends. Later, I watched The Cosby Show, one of the most beloved and influential […]
25 Sep 2018
Greetings! After a long rest, a website redesign, and new studio (for us and others), we are back with a new video blog. This time we tackle The Kavanaugh Nomination. With our redesign, all videos are viewable on the front page. The video is posted and ready to view at
As suggested in last week’s post, acrimony and ugliness continue to be the norm as the week progressed, unfortunately to include some comments in this blog. Predictably, those with preconceived biases in favor of or against Mr. Kavanaugh generally weighed in with moral cases that buttressed their positions. For those generally in favor of Mr. […]
“I Believe You Christine Ford”
17 Sep 2018
So rings the many voices on the many media platforms of our age. Consider this one: Christine Blasey Ford, I believe you. I believed you before I knew who you were, before you revealed your name. I believed you before the details of sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh were revealed. Goldie Taylor […]
Reagan Vs. Trump on Trade
10 Sep 2018
Not much analysis needed here: HT to Greg Mankiw. Mr. Reagan had his own flaws, even on trade. Yet his convictions were always in the right direction, as this piece clearly articulates. All we know for sure is that aside from their difference in morals, Mr. Trump is no Reaganite. Mr. Sasse, are you ready […]
Who is in Charge of the White House?
05 Sep 2018
The White House has been rocked by two accounts this week, both of which make an uncomfortable allegation: President Trump is not really in charge of the White House. Bob Woodward’s explosive new book, Fear, portrays an executive in a perpetual state of turmoil with senior staffers routinely thwarting the President’s desires through either inaction, […]