I had the opportunity to meet a young student thinking about the economics major a few days ago, and he mentioned that he hoped to go to the UN to help the poor after graduation with development economics. We talked about the major, but I suggested he think about how the poor are most likely […]
Weekly Sage #3: Flannery O’Connor
09 Nov 2018
The Weekly Sage hopes to regularly bring brief profiles of key contributors to thought and faith before a Christian audience for historical education and awareness of valuable resources. Flannery O’Connor – “There was something he was searching for, something he felt he must have, some last significant culminating experience that he must make for himself […]
The Redemption of Galadriel
08 Nov 2018
One of the most impressive elements of the fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien is its depth. One walks upon the fields of Middle-earth with the awareness that you are treading ancient paths. Indications that this world was in existence long before you discovered it are everywhere: ruined watchtowers of fallen realms, tombs of bygone kings, snippets […]
Election Results: Some Perspective
07 Nov 2018
If you had asked me two years ago, upon Trump’s election to the presidency, I’d have predicted the GOP would get blasted in the midterm elections of 2018. Of course, this has to be put in some context. As I noted in a recent post, we would expect the GOP, in a normal midterm cycle, […]
Mid-Term Elections 2018: Part 2
05 Nov 2018
Tuesday marks the end of the 2018 midterm election cycle. Political scientists hesitate to say things like, “Donald Trump is on the ballot” when he is actually, you know, not on the ballot. We tend to see congressional elections as local affairs, driven more by statewide dynamics than the occupant of the White House. At […]
The Mailbag! – Vol. 2
05 Nov 2018
Matt’s Marvelous Mailbag seeks to provide marginally adequate answers to much better questions about politics, economics, social life, theology, or any potpourri you see fit to have answered. Send questions to mailbag.bereans@gmail.com. I have to begin this week’s mailbag by noting that there seems to a state of flux surrounding the official description of this […]
As we close in this year’s mid-term elections, we hear a lot of claims that are fairly outrageous on both sides, but at least the Democrats are being honest: they want to increase taxes. If elected, they would like to raise capital gains taxes, corporate taxes, small business taxes, and more. Yet being honest on […]
The Weekly Sage #2: Raymond Aron
02 Nov 2018
The Weekly Sage hopes to regularly bring brief profiles of key contributors to thought and faith before a Christian audience for historical education and awareness of valuable resources. Raymond Aron “Why is it so difficult to evolve an ideology, in the sense of a total system of interpretation and action? For contemporary societies, scientific and […]
The Bereans have a new VLOG that examines our current political reality, the violence that seems endemic to it, and the possible causes behind it. As always, thank you for watching. You can find the video on our site plug-in, either at the top right on your computer screen, or toward the bottom on a […]
The Mailbag! – Vol. 1
29 Oct 2018
Matt’s Marvelous Mailbag seeks to provide marginally adequate answers to much better questions about politics, economics, social life, theology, or any potpourri you see fit to have answered. Send questions to mailbag.bereans@gmail.com. Well, I feel honored to christen the Bereans Mailbag and send it off on its maiden voyage to explore the deep recesses of […]