That’s at least what Mr. Bernanke suggests when challenged by Senator Corker during congressional testimony on Tuesday: Perhaps its true, IF the measure of inflation we should be concerned about is the rate of change of CPI. But there are at least two ways to criticize this way of thinking, in addition to the serious […]
Bernanke–the best inflation fighter ever?
28 Feb 2013
As we approach the impending sequestration, Mark Smith highlights the political tales of woe if it goes through (see below). But there seems to be an inconsistency in the “We’re all Keynesians now” Washington D.C. crowd. If you recall the fiscal cliff, President Obama proposed increased taxes that would only generate ~$80 Billion of additional […]
Sequestration Nation…
27 Feb 2013
I only wish they had chosen a better name than “sequestration.” How do you write a ditty with that? Regardless, we are all gripped with Sequestration Fever, a malady that often follows on the heels of Debt Ceiling Dropsy and Fiscal Cliff Cough. We are now just a few days from either the end of […]