A few months ago the big revelation to gold bugs was Germany wanted its gold back from the Federal Reserve. What’s the world coming to when central banks don’t trust each other? Further, with central banks net buyers of gold for the last few years, something seems afoot in the global currency markets. In perhaps […]
Economic Freedom in the 50 States
28 Mar 2013
Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore published a very interesting editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal. The editorial highlights the fact that states which have more economic freedom are more prosperous than states with less economic freedom. States with lower taxes and less onerous regulations provide a better environment for entrepreneurship. This relatively rich economic soil […]
Sequestration Madness
27 Mar 2013
Left-leaning author and editorialist Bob Woodward ’s recent criticisms of the Obama administration’s role in precipitating the sequestration debacle resulted in a response from National Economic Council director Gene Sperling. While Woodward suggested on a television talk show that Sperling had threatened him in an email, subsequent revelations called that assertion into question. While Woodward […]
Is Marriage a “Fundamental” Right?
27 Mar 2013
One of the matters lurking around the Supreme Court’s oral arguments this week is the degree to which marriage is a fundamental right. Gay marriage advocates argue that marriage’s fundamental nature demands that the state has an obligation to extend such a recognition to homosexual couples. Whenever a fundamental right is abridged, a strict scrutiny […]
Good news about economic growth? While consumer confidence took a nosedive in March thanks largely to continued fiscal uncertainty focused on the sequester, business investment is up in the first quarter of 2013. Although uncertainty over the fiscal sanity of our politicians and unease about the global economy are still very real, some US firms […]
The Tyranny of Gay Marriage
26 Mar 2013
The Supreme Court’s latest attempt to destroy republican government comes, this week, under the guise of equality. Gay marriage advocates find themselves before the highest Court, seeking to use the bench to achieve what has eluded them politically. To be successful, they will encourage the Court to overturn the past and empower itself at the […]
CNBC reports today that the Federal Reserve is increasingly considering income inequality as a consideration for monetary policy. The basic idea seems to be that monetary policy ought to be kept easy as long as those in the lower income groups are unable to gain jobs. As CNBC reports Some on the FOMC, they said, […]
Welcome to our Facebook page!
24 Mar 2013
Bereans at the Gate now has an official Facebook page. Here is the link. Please like the page! We are going to start spreading the word about our blog soon, so this is just a start. THANKS!
Are deficits really good for our economy?
24 Mar 2013
They are; at least according to Charles DuBois in his letter to the editor in the Wall Street Journal. Mr. DuBois says, In brief, the near-term impact of deficit spending is for the private sector to incur one debit (to buy the bonds) and two credits—one for receiving the bonds and one for receiving the deficit […]
The institution of marriage is one of God’s great gifts to humanity, and it will certainly be under great debate over the next few weeks as the Supreme Court looks at challenges to the Defense of Marriage Act. Nevertheless, in today’s post, I simply want to point to the economic benefits of marriage, courtesy of […]