As promised, President Obama unveiled his 2014 budget today, albeit 2 months late. We discussed some of the proposed outlines on Monday, which you can find here. But in his public comments as reported by CNBC, Mr. Obama continues an approach which can only divide, not unify. Whether this is by design is only a […]
President Obama’s 2014 Budget: To what end?
10 Apr 2013
Lady Thatcher, as extolled by Drs. Clauson, Wheeler, and Haymond, was an all too rare political phenomenon. The clip above gives us a prime example of dignity while holding an elective office. Unfortunately, as noted by Mark Steyn here, our current President seems unwilling to say “no” in any similar context. We have seen the […]
Mark Steyn, the great polemicist, is at it again, with more information on the Kermit Gosnell house of horrors that masqueraded as a clinic. I am not sure I have much to contribute to the links and descriptions. I will warn you that this is not for the particularly sensitive. As I noted in an earlier […]
Margaret Thatcher: October 13, 1925 – April 8, 2013 “No liberty unless there is economic liberty”
08 Apr 2013
Freedom lost a true ally with the passing of the “Iron Lady”, Margaret Thatcher. The quote in the title is from a Time interview from May 14, 1979 as her successful campaign for Prime Minister was coming to a conclusion. Prime Minister Thatcher was a (perhaps the) leading politician along with Ronald Reagan (the “second […]
It was about 1984 when I first heard about what Margaret Thatcher was doing in Great Britain. Ronald Reagan was president of the United States. The economy in America was beginning to recover and in England the Prime Minister was invigorating the Tory/Conservative Party after years of malaise and challenging the central planning ideology of […]
Rather than a single subject today, I’d like to offer some quick thoughts on several recent economic events and get your feedback on what you’d like to hear more about. Post in the comments if you’d like more details. First up, we are told we will finally have a budget submitted by the President this […]
The Iron Lady Leaves with no Apparent Heir
08 Apr 2013
Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) leaves the world a better place than the one she inherited as Prime Minister, but that fact does not diminish our need for her heir to emerge. Along with Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II, the free world was blessed with a talented triumvirate possessed with a clarity of vision and […]
Bible Thumping as Public Policy
05 Apr 2013
Sometimes we call it “the good book,” but for Christians, the Bible is more than a book, it is THE BOOK. The Bible is the source of truth and the foundation for our lives. We believe it carries not just wisdom, but authority. The Bible, though, is not a blueprint for every aspect of our […]
Constitutional Law Tattoos
04 Apr 2013
UPDATED: Boy, we have been dealing with heavy things here at Bereans @ The Gate. How about a little levity? I am teaching Constitutional Law: Rights & Liberties this semester. Given the demanding nature of the class, a little bit of humor can go a long way. Currently, I am involved in a running joke […]
Gender Neutral Housing at Yale University
02 Apr 2013
One of the great fallacies of our age is the malleability of human nature. There are some constants that persist regardless of our best efforts. As the College Fix‘s Alec Torres points out in a current story, Yale University, like other leading institutions, now offers “gender neutral” housing that allows male and females to room […]