With public opinion polls low for Congress (independent of which party is in power) and support for the President seemingly at his base level, no real substantive work being done, and the only progress at all on our national debt is an approach that the President insisted on and now says is the worst way […]
DOJ Targets Fox Journalist–Shocked?
21 May 2013
The scandals continue to evolve. We now know the Department of Justice targeted James Rosen, Fox News’ chief Washington, D.C. correspondent, for his possible role in releasing sensitive, leaked information. After Rosen published a report on North Korea’s possible response to international sanctions, he was suspected of meeting with Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, a State Dept. […]
Lately it seems there have appeared more articles on the subject, known among Reformed folks as “The Radical Two Kingdoms Debate” or “R2K.” As near as I can tell, this debate is a resurrection of one that has been going on for centuries. It appears to be between those who accept the transformational model of […]
Star Trek: Into Darkness
19 May 2013
Star Trek: Into Darkness (While the movie’s producers have determined not to use appropriate punctuation, I am not bound by such an agreement.) is the latest installment in the long-running television and movie franchise. While technically science fiction, Into Darkness (J.J. Abrams, Director) is an action, popcorn film, more in the mold of Star Wars than Blade […]
Scandals: The Cumulative Effect
16 May 2013
The Obama Administration is, for the first time, mired in scandal. The IRS problems continue to irritate. Benghazi bubbles. The Department of Justice’s wiretaps rile. The most interesting article, for me, was Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei’s assertion that the DC political culture is turning on Obama as a consequence of these possible misdeeds. As […]
Façade Capitalism
16 May 2013
Don Boudreaux has an excellent post this morning at Cafe Hayek discussing the connection between civil liberties and economic liberty. He posted the remarks He made at the Oslo Freedom Forum session “Façade Capitalism and Its Threat to Human Rights”. Boudreaux concludes: “Liberty is whole; it is indivisible. To treat it otherwise is to threaten […]
At least that is what this new report says. The government has more low-paying jobs than Wal-Mart and McDonalds combined. While one has to smile at the obvious inconsistency–President Obama wants to mandate increased wages on the private sector while in effect he has the most low-paid workers in the country–the presuppositions in the report […]
“Our House is on Fire…”
13 May 2013
So begins Scott Pelley, CBS journalist, as he lays out the media’s recent string of embarrassments. In a solid Quinnipiac University speech that will create few enemies, and that does not necessarily articulate new ideas, Pelley nevertheless manages to say a few things succinctly and appropriately. Pelley concern for journalism’s integrity in the information age […]
IRS=UhOh 4 O
12 May 2013
While pockets of the internet are still fluttering over the Benghazi hearings, the larger story, for me, is the recent news that the IRS has been targeting right-leaning groups for extra scrutiny and investigation. Apparently, groups with “patriot” or “tea-party” or “9/12” in their names were subjected to additional questioning and burdensome oversight via the […]
Minimum Wage legislation, should we abolish it?
10 May 2013
This is subject of a recent debate featuring Libertarian’s Russ Roberts and Jim Dorn as well as Progressive’s Jared Bernstein and Karen Kornbluh. Unfortunately, the audience voted with Mr. Bernstein that we should keep the minimum wage. If you take the time to listen to the debate, you’ll find some rather startling admissions by […]