Courtesy of Todd Adams via Twitter, here is the inherent problem the progressive left has with President Obama’s Syria policy: h/t Jim Geraghty at NRO.
Visualizing The Left’s Struggle With Syria
09 Sep 2013
Random Thoughts
07 Sep 2013
Actually I have two topics, one more important and the other just an illustration of how bureaucractic organizations can become pathological or dysfunctional. So let’s begin with Syria. My colleague Mark Smith enumerated well the various issues and positions on the question of whether we should use force against Assad’s ruling regime. It is indeed […]
A very interesting and a very telling bit of research from Sentier Research was released two weeks ago. Sentier analyzes data from the Current Population Survey to estimate trends in median household income. Yesterday, Steven Moore at the Wall Street Journal, published an op-ed piece based on Sentier’s analysis: Obama’s Economy Hits His Voters Hardest. During […]
Syria: No Good Options
04 Sep 2013
Syria is a mess. I am not pretending to be expert on this, so let’s be clear about expectations. I am not speaking from authority, but just as an interested observer. The United States seems to have few options, and none are good. As of now, the debate surrounds our decision to use military force […]
Ronald Coase-RIP
04 Sep 2013
It is a sad but joyous day to report the passing of another economic giant. Ronald Coase was a seminal figure in economics, a Nobel Laureate who truly changed the way all of us think about the world. It is sad with the loss of any great figure, and yet Professor Coase was not quite […]
The Politicization of Marriage
29 Aug 2013
J.D. Vance wrote an interesting piece in the recent issue of National Review on the importance of mobility as an indicator of opportunity in America. His point is that while we may be seeing some signs of life in the economy due to growth—that growth does not necessarily mean that opportunity is expanding. According to […]
Whatever Became of Christian Worldview?
29 Aug 2013
In 1901 a Scottish professor wrote a book about Christian worldview, The Christian View of God and the World. This would become the first such book in modern times on that subject. The book received much attention from evengelicals and fundamentalists, though little from other groups. At the same time Abaraham Kuyper, though he never […]
Obamacare / Kingcare
28 Aug 2013
The economy is never stagnant, either with respect to its performance (GDP growth, inflation, unemployment rate, etc.) or with respect to the level and degree of government direction (more or less socialistic, more or less market driven, etc.). Our economy is becoming more and more socialistic. One clear marker on this road to serfdom is […]
Looking for Microcosms in DC
28 Aug 2013
This is the first of what might be an ongoing series of posts based on our experience here in the District of Columbia (that’s Washington) this Fall. Today’s post was stimulated by both some visits to public buildings and an article today by Lee Habeeb, in the National Review entitled “Risk Mismanagement.” My own experience […]
From William Galston in the WSJ today. Mr. Galston is referring to the same book that we commented on after the Financial Times of London made a similar review earlier this month. Mr. Galston picks up on the theme that government spending on R&D has historically resulted in a lot of winners, including some of […]