Much of our current political polarization is explainable by the conflicting visions underlying each side; visions that Thomas Sowell suggests reflect a basic understanding of the way the world works. In many cases, people with similar values will nevertheless disagree with each other because they view the world differently. Yet there are also questions of […]
A Ringside Seat at “The Hearing”
30 Oct 2013
After two hours at the House Subcommittee hearing October 30 on the Obamacare rollout, I asked myself why I had come. After three and a half hours I knew. There were three things to be learned. One: Politicians of all stripes certainly do like to hear themselves talk, and especially, today, Democrats who had little […]
My Berean brother, Dr. Haymond, rightly criticized President Obama’s leadership in the Affordable Care Act’s less than optimal rollout. But as he acknowledges in the comments section of the post, things seem to have taken a darker turn. NBC News, not exactly a fountain of right-wing mouth-froth, is now reporting that President Obama’s Administration was aware, […]
It is always difficult to compile a “top ten” list of anything. But the concept of justice is especially difficult. Besides the usual problem of my own bias, there is also the potential for misunderstanding why something is on a list and something else omitted. So let me briefly explain. First I am putting this […]
Quote for the Day
29 Oct 2013
I came across this quote from a letter written by William F. Buckley, Jr. to Henry Kissinger on the subject of utopian ideas and utopian dreamers, many of whom reside right here in Washington, DC. “We must do what we can to bring hammer blows against the bell jar that protects the dreamers from reality.” […]
Evangelicals & Immigration
28 Oct 2013
While the 1970s and 80s were decades of growing evangelical unity, the 2000s have thus far been marked by the movement’s fractures. While it is too simplistic to say we have new evangelical diversity, we do have energetic evangelical movements on both the right and the left. There is much that distinguishes the two groups […]
Obamacare sticker shock: “I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it”
28 Oct 2013
There are so many dimensions of possible problems with Obamacare; the technical problems with the website are masking other much more problematic concerns. Higher costs, fewer choices, and coercive mandates are only now being considered by consumers as the actual implementation of the law is upon us. As I listen to the debates of the […]
A Failure in Leadership: Launch of Obamacare
23 Oct 2013
One of the most damaging accusations against Mr. Obama in the rollout of the Affordable Care Act came from his chief Lieutenant for healthcare, Kathleen Sebelius, as she tried to defend him: CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked when the President first learned about the considerable issues with the Obamacare website. Sebelius responded that it was […]
In our last update on Obamacare, we questioned whether Day One mistakes were just the technological tip of the iceberg. The verdict is now in; Day One was just the tip of the iceberg, and now the question is only how big is the iceberg? The simplest part of Obamacare–the website that provides the initial […]
Gravity is a Thin Marvel
20 Oct 2013
Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity is a perfect Hollywood experience. The visuals are revelatory, and likely historic, and the director wrings from his talented movie stars compelling, temperate performances in spite of the chilly sterility of space. These strengths cannot hide the reality that Gravity is still slight and as translucent, as flimsy as the space equipment that […]