Orson Scott Card wrote Ender’s Game in 1985. The novel quickly entered the science fiction canon, winning both the Hugo and Nebula awards, and Card joined luminaries like Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, and Dick. Bringing Ender’s Game to film presented many challenges. After nearly 30 years in the development wilderness, technology finally caught up to Card’s […]
Ender’s Game
04 Nov 2013
Quote for the Day
03 Nov 2013
Since it is the Lord’s Day and since this blog deals with the Christian view of things political, economic and cultural, it seems appropriate to give this quote from one of the great theologians, political leaders and statesmen, Abraham Kuyper: “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over […]
Fellow Berean Mark Smith highlighted the President’s oft-repeated claim that if you like your health care you can keep it, characterizing it as misleading. Of course, many are using the stronger form of “lie” to describe this. I remember at the US Air Force Academy, the definition of a lie in our honor code was […]
Quote for the Day! Arthur Brooks at his best
01 Nov 2013
From a CNBC video a couple of years ago, Crony capitalism….is the codependent wife of statism. Brooks is spot on; the source of cronyism is a large state that has the power to favor one group over another. And this favor only comes by harming others. This seems to me to be the definition of […]
A Threat to the Rule of Law
01 Nov 2013
Well, as many know by now, Lois Lerner has been identified as the high-ranking IRS official who illegally sent information about donors associated with Tea Party-related organizations to the Federal Election Commission. In addition we heard yesterday that someone in the IRS did leak confidential tax information to the liberal Human Rights Campaign, which immediately […]
Happy Reformation Day
31 Oct 2013
It is time for a little “diversion” from politics and economics (partially anyway) to think for a moment about religion, in this case, the Christian religion and even more specifically, the Protestant religion. For those who are not sure, this is not really Halloween Day. Before Halloween this was Reformation Day. It was on October […]
Much of our current political polarization is explainable by the conflicting visions underlying each side; visions that Thomas Sowell suggests reflect a basic understanding of the way the world works. In many cases, people with similar values will nevertheless disagree with each other because they view the world differently. Yet there are also questions of […]
A Ringside Seat at “The Hearing”
30 Oct 2013
After two hours at the House Subcommittee hearing October 30 on the Obamacare rollout, I asked myself why I had come. After three and a half hours I knew. There were three things to be learned. One: Politicians of all stripes certainly do like to hear themselves talk, and especially, today, Democrats who had little […]
My Berean brother, Dr. Haymond, rightly criticized President Obama’s leadership in the Affordable Care Act’s less than optimal rollout. But as he acknowledges in the comments section of the post, things seem to have taken a darker turn. NBC News, not exactly a fountain of right-wing mouth-froth, is now reporting that President Obama’s Administration was aware, […]
It is always difficult to compile a “top ten” list of anything. But the concept of justice is especially difficult. Besides the usual problem of my own bias, there is also the potential for misunderstanding why something is on a list and something else omitted. So let me briefly explain. First I am putting this […]