In case some were not aware. not only was Friday, November 22 the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, but also the 50th anniversary of the deaths of both C. S. Lewis and Aldous Huxley. Lewis is of course well-known and loved by many Christians as an apologist of sorts as […]
The Nuclear Option & the March of Democracy
21 Nov 2013
Today, the U.S. Senate voted, largely along party lines, to eliminate the filibuster for most judicial nominees and executive office appointments. This means, practically, that a simple majority vote will be needed both to close off debate and confirm these nominees. Previously, as with other matters, 60 votes were needed to bring matters to a […]
Quote for the Day–From John Calvin
21 Nov 2013
And ye, O peoples, to whom God gave the liberty to choose your own magistrates, see to it that ye do not forfeit this favor by electing to the positions of highest honor, rascals and enemies of God. From Calvin’s Commentary on Samuel. No additional comment needed, the quote says it all. We were warned.
My colleague Jeffrey Haymond has written a nice blog concerning cronyism in the Obamacare debacle. I am addressing a different but equally important problem—where do we go from here? The Affordable Care Act (now the favorite title for liberals), known popularly as Obamacare is under increasing criticism. Republicans and conservatives are in the forefront of […]
Quote for the day! Napoleon Bonaparte
20 Nov 2013
Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. I’ll leave to you Bereans to ponder why this may be applicable to today’s political economy. There are no bonus prizes (since this should be obvious), but you can provide your thoughts in the comments.. Keep them as nice as you can, even though […]
Or do we have the heart of Crony Capitalism and Crony Politics? The following are so obviously wrong they need little comment; you Bereans will know the wrong as you review. First up, we have Congress packing the bill with all sorts of negatives for us, then Mr. Obama invents a law to allow Congressional […]
Open Immigration
19 Nov 2013
When we advocate open immigration we are not advocating free and complete amnesty for all undocumented aliens. Amnesty is related and intertwined with immigration, but is not exactly the same issue. You can support open immigration and not believe all undocumented aliens should remain in the nation. Open immigration does not mean that anyone should […]
In their new book, published by Crossway in 2013, The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution, the authors Wayne Grudem and Barry Asmus tackle the issue of whether one can make a distinctively Christian defense of markets and economic growth. The book involves a unique combination of authors and perspectives. Grudem is a well-known and […]
Quote of the Day
18 Nov 2013
The following was overheard at the keynote dinner for the Free Market Forum, held this year in San Diego, California. The author was willing to be identified as Sy Lotsoff, a California resident: “California is the Garden of Eden, but here the snakes are in charge.” Having seen just a small part of its natural […]
Once again the issue of immigration is upon us, whether we are ready for it or not. In Washington, phone calls and e-mails are beginning to pile up in congressional offices. Politicians are being lobbied hard. The President is chomping at the bit to sign a bill. Pro-immigration groups are beginning to exert pressure on […]