On the day after GM announced its first ever female CEO, we can consider the latest scientific evidence on male/female differences. The latest science reported in the popular press is making much of brain imaging which identifies the way neurons fire in the brain. You will be shocked–yes shocked–to know that women’s brains operate differently […]
Science supports complementarianism! Warning: political incorrectness within–enter at your own risk!
11 Dec 2013
Not fair! How many times did we hear, or say, that when we were children and someone thought they were not being treated fairly, whatever that meant to them? We are hearing it again, from grown-ups—well, I think they are grown-ups. We hear it from the Occupy Wall Street crowd (what is left of them), […]
Pope Francis recently released his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, which condemns “unfettered capitalism, “(as labeled by the press). Pope Francis seemingly condemns something that never has been, nor does anyone seriously call for: a laissez faire market devoid of morals or any constraining laws. Indeed, the rule of law and morality are necessary for healthy […]
What Republicans Need or Don’t Need
05 Dec 2013
Mike Murphy has written a provocative editorial imploring the Republican Party to seize the moment. He is to be applauded for encouraging the party to act, but his proposal represents well the current debate among Republicans regarding how to move forward. For Murphy it is about dispatching the old, uncomfortable positions on social issues like […]
“I’m a Christian! Vote for Me!”
05 Dec 2013
U.S. Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR) is probably taking the first few steps of a political death march–and it shows. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mucYcm6moe0 With his election coming up in November 2014, why is Pryor doing this? Arkansas, like much of the South, has transitioned from a bastion of Democrat dominance into a reliably red-state of Republicanism. In 2012, […]
Economic Ignorance: (Bad) Quote of the Day?
03 Dec 2013
Our interns here in DC visited the Bureau of Printing and Engraving this week. In case you didn’t know, this is where most of the paper money in the US is printed. I have to say I haven’t been so near so much cash in my life (something like a few hundred million in the […]
Are Millennials Victims of Helicopter Parenting?
02 Dec 2013
Slate is running a piece by Brooke Donatone, a therapist at New York University counseling services, who notes that her clients from the millennial generation are struggling toward adulthood. Amy (not her real name), for example, has been depressed since her first year in college, and cannot balance homework, laundry, and a part-time job. Donatone cites […]
Supreme Court News
02 Dec 2013
Two Federal appeals have been addressed by the United States Supreme Court today. First, the Court refused to hear an appeal from Amazon.com which had argued that it should not be required by the State of New York to collect sales taxes the same way as physical retailers do since it does not have a […]
Now, I’m all for someone making money if they are providing a value added service. But what, pray tell, is the service Mrs. Clinton is providing? Why does the Chicago Mercantile Exchange find Mrs. Clinton’s leadership experience in financial leadership compelling enough that it would pay that kind of money? It cannot be her famed […]
Job and the Progressives
25 Nov 2013
In our house church for the past several months we’ve had the privilege of studying the book of Job. I saw an economic application that I thought I’d share with you. While we’re not certain of the exact time of the writing of Job, we do think that the story of Job is very old. […]