Well, it seems the third in a series of blogs on “Legislating Morality?” has elicited a few comments on the, shall we say, opposing side of the issue. So in the interest of fairness and sympathy I will try to clarify in this blog a couple of issues. The two most controversial issues I raised […]
Legislating Morality? Addendum to Part 3
02 Jan 2014
In the first two blogs, I have begun the attempt to initiate greater reflection on the origins, role, authority, limits and functions of government, as well as our place as Christians under the authority of government. I said at the start that absolute answers were limited. This is true mainly because the Scriptures are relatively […]
Quote for the Day! From Henry Hazlitt
29 Dec 2013
It is not merely a fallacy, therefore, but a sham humanitarianism, and a cruel deception, always to insist on wage-rate increases whether or not conditions justify them, and always to resist wage-rate reductions whether or not conditions require them. From Hazlitt’s fantastic dissection of the whole system of Keynesian fallacies, in The Failure of the […]
Of Ducks and Dynasties
21 Dec 2013
In the end, I agree with Phil Robertson, but I also think A & E is right to put him on hiatus or to cancel Duck Dynasty if it chooses to do so. But, if A & E does pull the plug on the most popular show on cable television, the decision will reveal the […]
My colleague Jeff Haymond wrote in a comment on my recent blog, “Legislating Morality? Christians, Law and Politics,” that I had raised questions but not given answers. He was correct. So now that he has prodded me for answers I will put myself in jeopardy of all sorts of criticism by offering some tentative answers. […]
Quote for the Day! Michael Novak
20 Dec 2013
It is not so much the asceticism of biblical teaching, as its call to creativity and inventiveness, that accounts for the dynamism of Jewish and Christian civilization, including economic dynamism. While some aspects of asceticism are certainly helpful for a culture, such as the idea of deferred gratification, what really makes civilization thrive is when […]
Polling on Obamacare Bodes Ill for Dems
19 Dec 2013
There is an eternity between now and the mid-term elections of 2014, so take everything that follows with many grains of your own favorite preservative. However, things are shaping up poorly for the Democrats. I will try to unpack these themes in more detail in future, post-holiday posts, but there are three relevant issues. One, […]
Reaping and Sowing applied to Obamacare
18 Dec 2013
I am one Berean that believes there is, in general, an ethical cause and effect that we see in this life. I say “in general” in the same sense that we view wisdom literature in the Bible; wisdom that is generally applicable while not always on our timetable (see Psalm 73 for one psalmist’s lament […]
Quote of the Day
18 Dec 2013
“Republicans shut American down. Vote them out!” This quote was seen in the window of the Democratic office of the Greene County, Ohio Democratic Party. It represents well our country’s problem. Too many Americans cannot tell the different between our government and our nation. The Democrats like to claim Thomas Jefferson as their forefather. He […]
Once upon a time, there was a group of Presbyterians and other Christian denominations in America who argued for the “crown rights of King Jesus” to be embodied in government and specifically in the United States Constitution. I know it sounds strange to our modern and secular ears to hear that in 1864 this odd […]