The Weekly Standard‘s Charlotte Allen has revisited Kelo v. New London (2005). The aftermath is nearly as ugly as the initial case. For those uninitiated, Kelo dealt with government’s power to seize private property. The Constitution implies and accommodates this power of eminent domain in the Fifth Amendment, so long as government seizes the property for […]
Is Chocolate to Blame?
03 Feb 2014
The following was sent to my e-mail via Sojourners, a publication under the auspices of Jim Wallis. I find it very interesting that the writer blames “our love of chocolate” for the problem. The following paid, sponsored message from Walk Free was sent to you via Sojourners. Dear Marc, In the cocoa fields of the Ivory Coast, […]
Minumum Wage / Living Wage
03 Feb 2014
In a post last Friday, January 31 “Bad Economics & Bad Theology: the Christian case for the minimum wage“, Professor Haymond pointed us to an article in The Week entitled: “The Christian case for raising the minimum wage” by Elizabeth Stocker. While Prof. Haymond promises commentary on Stocker’s article, I wanted to make a short […]
Law and the Christian: A Modest Proposal
01 Feb 2014
Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Do you have a good idea of what ought to be illegal and what legal? Do you know why you know, if you do? In other words, what is your foundation for distinguishing right and wrong? Do you have a foundation at all? Our society of […]
In a huge win for economic analysis triumphing over politics, the state department today released a report showing that the Keystone Pipeline will not increase environmental emissions of greenhouse gases over alternative production realities. This is a big blow to the environmental lobby as it makes it more difficult for Mr. Obama not to approve […]
Just in time to support this weekend’s superhero activities, Russ Roberts and John Papola give us the Superhero anti-model. Don’t be a Super Crony! Unfortunately, these characters are all too real…and increasing in strength seemingly by the day.
This is the gift that keeps on giving for blogging Bereans; Dr. Wheeler has ably commented in his post today on the minimum wage but no sooner did he publish it than I found a piece by Elizabeth Stocker making the “Christian” case for the minimum wage. Please read her article and provide your response […]
The Minimum Wage and Poverty
31 Jan 2014
In Tuesday’s State of the Union address President Obama made some bold statements about the relationship of the minimum wage and the reduction of poverty (emphasis added). But Americans overwhelmingly agree that no one who works full-time should ever have to raise a family in poverty. … And as a chief executive, I intend to […]
SOTU: A Dwindling Presidency
29 Jan 2014
President Obama was at center stage of the American political drama last night, giving us his own conception of the state of our union. And, as we might have predicted, in his mind it is “strong.” Maybe this is the equivalent of the medieval tactic of beating swords upon shields to signify strength and to intimidate […]
Republicans versus Republicans: The Next Battle?
29 Jan 2014
Yesterday President Obama gave the annual State of the Union address to Congress. We now know something of his agenda for the coming year. My colleague Dr. Smith has already discussed the president’s probable new way of governing, the executive order. President Obama did indeed strongly imply he would “go around” Congress. I would also […]