The minimum wage continues to be pushed by those on the left as a way to confront income inequality. On the right, there are vigorous rebuttals, focusing mainly on both the theoretical and empirical case against price controls. The New York Times has come up with their spin on this, questioning the motives of those […]
Minimum Wage Ad Hominem courtesy of the NYT
11 Feb 2014
Rex Lex: Health Care Provision Delayed Again
11 Feb 2014
This fruit hangs so low you can pick it with your feet. Pardon me while I take off my shoes. The Obama Administration has delayed, once again, the employer mandate for ObamaCare. Under the law’s original provision, companies with between 50 and 99 employees were required to provide coverage for workers or face a fine […]
You may not think The Lego Movie is the place to go for political commentary, but you would be wrong. While it would not be fair to push the theme too far–after all, this is a children’s film based on interlocking plastic toys–The Lego Movie is about the fine balance between individualism and communitarianism and […]
The Olympics & Tyranny
07 Feb 2014
If you meander around the internet, the Sochi Winter Olympics are starting to dominate the news cycle–and we haven’t even had the opening ceremonies. Most of the coverage has centered on Russia’s poor preparation for the games. As reporters have flocked to the Russian resort, their stories have tilted toward their own experiences with the […]
Fiscal Follies and International Trade
06 Feb 2014
William Galston published an opinion piece in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal titled: Obama’s Moment of Truth on Trade. In the editorial Galston compares Obama’s trade statement in his recent State of the Union address to Bill Clinton’s battle to pass NAFTA in 1993. Clinton faced significant political opposition within his own party, but stood tall […]
The Affordable Care Act and Labor Supply
05 Feb 2014
On Tuesday the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office released it’s report – “Budget and Economic Outlook: 2014 to 2024” . The report is causing quite a stir because of the CBO’s estimates of the affect of the Affordable Care Act on the United States economy. President Obama has previously used CBO estimates to provide support for the […]
The Weekly Standard‘s Charlotte Allen has revisited Kelo v. New London (2005). The aftermath is nearly as ugly as the initial case. For those uninitiated, Kelo dealt with government’s power to seize private property. The Constitution implies and accommodates this power of eminent domain in the Fifth Amendment, so long as government seizes the property for […]
Is Chocolate to Blame?
03 Feb 2014
The following was sent to my e-mail via Sojourners, a publication under the auspices of Jim Wallis. I find it very interesting that the writer blames “our love of chocolate” for the problem. The following paid, sponsored message from Walk Free was sent to you via Sojourners. Dear Marc, In the cocoa fields of the Ivory Coast, […]
Minumum Wage / Living Wage
03 Feb 2014
In a post last Friday, January 31 “Bad Economics & Bad Theology: the Christian case for the minimum wage“, Professor Haymond pointed us to an article in The Week entitled: “The Christian case for raising the minimum wage” by Elizabeth Stocker. While Prof. Haymond promises commentary on Stocker’s article, I wanted to make a short […]
Law and the Christian: A Modest Proposal
01 Feb 2014
Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Do you have a good idea of what ought to be illegal and what legal? Do you know why you know, if you do? In other words, what is your foundation for distinguishing right and wrong? Do you have a foundation at all? Our society of […]