If you have lived in or visited the South, you know about Kudzu, the weed that spreads along the ground in a most amazing way, the weed that never dies, or so it seems.. If it is not stopped in some way or other it continues to spread inexorably. It is hearty and doesn’t require […]
Mission Creep: A Lot Like Kudzu
06 Apr 2014
Recently, we have witnessed two high-profile instances of how different communities have mobilized their supporters to produce conformity over the issue of gay marriage. World Vision, a Christian ministry that assists refugees, decided to change their employee policies regarding homosexuality. The ministry said it was leaving theological disagreements to churches while attempting to remain focused […]
A Nice Discovery
04 Apr 2014
To take just a slight break from contemporary political and economic events and issues, I discovered a “new” book last night which I would recommend to all freedom-loving and responsible people. Actually, it was published first in 1873, with a second edition the following year. The author was the now obscure James Fitzjames Stephen, and […]
Yesterday the Supreme Court of the United States passed down a ruling on MCCUTCHEON ET AL. v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION. Two of my very able colleagues at Bereans at the Gate (professors Haymond and Smith) posted commentary on the ruling yesterday. Both of these gentlemen are more qualified and able to comment on this ruling […]
As Dr. Haymond noted in a previous post, the Supreme Court handed down McCutcheon v. F.E.C. today, which, in spirit, is a companion case to Citizens United v. F.E.C. in 2010. Both cases deal with the conflict between campaign finance reforms and Free Speech. We have a long history of campaign reform, including limits on […]
The Supreme Court today released its opinion on a case limiting how many candidates could be supported by a wealthy individual. Prior to its ruling, campaign limits were such that Under the current limit, a donor can’t give more than $123,200 to candidates, parties and political action committees. Of that, just $48,600 can go directly […]
I’ve been a bit under the weather lately (sick for over a week now–which is unusual for me). Of course I don’t like to go to the doctor–like most of us–but I didn’t think I had a doctor, since I’d recently received a letter from my insurance company letting me know my doctor was leaving […]
Don’t tax me, Don’t tax thee, Tax the fellow behind the tree! Latest obfuscation on taxes by Krugman within
27 Mar 2014
Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman delights in stirring the pot, and he is not only a brilliant economist (legitimately so in the specialized area of international trade), but he is also very clever. He doesn’t out-and-out lie, but he gives tidbits of truth while deliberately ignoring other facts to lead a reader to his own biased […]
Hobby Lobby and Religious Freedom
25 Mar 2014
Today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for two cases that involve the Affordable Care Act, contraceptives, and religious freedom. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Woods, combined by the Court, examine the extent to which the federal government’s mandates can infringe on the free exercise rights of religious business owners. According to early reports, the Court is, […]
Mr. Putin and economics. What next?
25 Mar 2014
Mr. Putin seems increasingly likely to get away with the effective annexation of Crimea, and many rightfully wonder what next? The rest of the Ukraine? The Baltic states? The U.S. has little appetite for military response, but can we more effectively counter the Russian bear? And should we? The first question is what should we […]