Truth is sometimes uncomfortable, especially for those of us who want to cheer, sometimes uncritically, for one “side” versus the other. Fandom and devotion can be truth’s enemies, even in the political realm. Our preferred labels often override anything resembling objectivity. At its worst, this practice degenerates into a justification of “us” as we […]
Palin Enters Pelosi Territory
28 Apr 2014
It isn’t widely reported, though religious liberties organizations are well aware, but religious liberties are under attack from a significant portion of the modern liberal political class. More than that however, religion in general, specifically the Christian religion is being mocked by that same element. Snickers could almost be audible when some public figure or […]
Head ’em Up, Move ’em Out
20 Apr 2014
The Cliven Bundy-Bureau of Land Management “range wars” have been all over the news lately—well, all over many news outlets. Even Harry Reid finally spoke up, and, as he usually does, in an obsequious manner and with such exquisite irony (which he probably didn’t catch). I now feel compelled to weigh in. The conservative news […]
For the Umpteenth Time: Income Equality
20 Apr 2014
On Good Friday I was watching a “debate” between the conservative Roman Catholic Raymond Arroyo and the Christian Left activist Jim Wallis on the subject of income inequality and the pronouncements of Pope Francis on economics and justice. The Fox News host Bill O’Reilly began with quotes from one very far left writer, Bill Scheer, […]
Pelosi Washes Feet to Promote Immigration Reform
19 Apr 2014
When politics is paramount, nothing is sacred. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the U.S. House Minority Leader, joined a San Francisco priest, and other elected officials, in a foot-washing ceremony for immigrants. Stunningly, Pelosi also used the occasion to talk about passing HR15 – bipartisan immigration legislation that her office says would “reduce the deficit by nearly […]
My relationship with comic book films is sort of like my relationship with science fiction novels–it’s complicated. There are some that rise to the level of art (The Dark Knight), while others are less than drivel (Iron Man 3). I find it hard to be truly a fan when the cycle swings so dramatically. In […]
Legislation, the deliberate making of law, has justly been described as among all inventions of man the one fraught with the gravest consequences, more far-reaching in its effects even than fire and gun-powder. Unlike law itself, which has never been ‘invented’ in the same sense, the invention of legislation came relatively late in the history […]
- Sorry I can’t get the video to embed directly, but please watch this first. Hank Aaron is a true American hero, for Americans of all races and classes. As Braves chairman Terry McGuirk said Aaron “set the home-run record the old-fashioned way” and added “You will always be the home run king of all […]
Spinning the Medicare Data Release
09 Apr 2014
Today the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a partial data set on payments to Medicare providers. While the data will provide some interesting insights on Medicare payments, for example the Wall Street Journal says: The top 1% of 825,000 individual medical providers accounted for 14% of the $77 billion in billing recorded […]
More Kudzu, I Mean Mission Creep
07 Apr 2014
Here in this article,, are some “classic” examples of Mission Creep in Federal agencies. Hard to believe? Maybe not.