We have been out of the loop for about ten days or so, but we are, almost officially, back. There may still be a few problems with getting everyone here, and I have to verify that our Facebook and Twitter connections are still working the right way, but the new site is up and running. […]
I Hope You Like the Facelift!
14 Aug 2014
Quote of the Week!
06 Aug 2014
“Wherever Law Ends, Tyranny Begins.” – John Locke
Guardians of the Galaxy
02 Aug 2014
There are relatively few good arguments for actually going to a theater. The crowds are noisy. Cell phones too often pierce the cloak of darkness. The concessions require a credit check. And, to be frank, most movies aren’t worth paying the premium price to see. But still, I persist. Why? There are two reasons. First, […]
Republican Presidential Field Best in 40 Years?
30 Jul 2014
John Dickerson, over at Slate, has written a piece on the emerging field of GOP presidential candidates. In it, he labels the crop of candidates as the party’s best in forty years. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, and Bobby Jindal are all rising stars in the party, and Rick Perry, Jeb Bush, and Chris […]
Let’s Get Ethical
28 Jul 2014
This blog is a supplement to my colleague Jeff Haymond’s very informative blog of July 26 entitled “Turning to the Left….” I wanted to add a further ethical dimension to the discussion of income inequality which Jeff was addressing with regard to recent comments by Thomas Ricks at Politico. Jeff’s comments are worth reproducing in […]
Moving to the Left–Why it is essential to Love God with all our Minds, as well as our Hearts
26 Jul 2014
In Wednesday’s Politico, Thomas Ricks writes about how he is turning left politically mid-life, outlining a growing disillusionment with American military, government and economic results. Much of his criticisms I don’t fault, such as his specific criticisms of how and why we fought in Iraq (a subject I won’t delve into here). But he also […]
The heart of Crony Capitalism is privatizing the gains while socializing the losses. Both Republican and Democratic administrations, whether they intend to or not, routinely support such cronyism. They usually only differ in who their cronies are, and how much cronyism they like, and the rationale for supporting cronyism. For the most visible current example […]
Higher and Higher
21 Jul 2014
Well, I am deep into summer and I, like a few others—maybe many others—have noticed that things aren’t what they used to be, just a few short years back in the “evil” Bush administration. In case you are curious I’m talking about the prices of goods and services. There is a nice article about it […]
Elizabeth Warren came out with her 11 Commandments today. For some reason I think 10 Commandments would be better. But in any case, here they are, with this Berean’s counter following in italics: “We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.” Bereans believe that […]
Ok, the title line is intended to shock you a bit. But the point is culturally the left has taken a bad thing biblically (treating people badly solely on account of race) and extended it to mean that any unequal treatment of anybody for any reason is bad. And that is preposterous. Not only is […]