Nicholas Katzenbach was one of my favorite Attorneys General. Though it may seem odd to begin a post about Eric Holder, the just resigned A.G., with a recollection of an Attorney General from L.B.J.’s administration, please bear with me. Katzenbach, who died in 2012, was a pivotal part of the Kennedy and Johnson presidencies. It […]
Eric Holder–The Activist Attorney General
26 Sep 2014
Flood Wall Street – A Misplaced Trickle
24 Sep 2014
While Sunday’s “People’s Climate March” is being described as the largest climate protest event of all time with organizers claiming over 310,000 participants in New York City, the more radical protesters saved their skills for Monday’s “Flood Wall Street” protest. Around 1000 protesters spent the day trying to get in the way in and about Wall […]
Tish Warren found out that she was the wrong kind of Christian for Vanderbilt. The fact that she was not a fundamentalist, and that her group (affiliated with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship) generally welcomed a very broad range of Christian ideals did not matter much to university leadership. It didn’t matter to them if we were […]
Chart of the Day–Longest tenured jobs
23 Sep 2014
I find very intriguing the right hand side of the chart (HT to Mark Perry @ Carpe Diem). What do you think explains this? Your answer should to some degree use the 2nd Law of Economics: Incentives Matter! And be nice please….
Hot Air in New York
22 Sep 2014
The “Climate Mongers” are at it again. Thousands of protesters were out in New York and a few other cities around the world to try to salvage their dying cause of man-made global warming and the associated “solutions” they have variously proposed. The mainstream news media were also on this story like leeches, giving it […]
A Modest Proposal
22 Sep 2014
It seems an intruder made it onto the White House grounds and through an unlocked front door the other day. The Secret Service didn’t unleash the guard dogs on him, for reasons unknown. And why the front door was unlocked, no one knows yet—although it is a little humorous. So what is the plan of […]
Answering the Fool
22 Sep 2014
“Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.” (Proverbs 26:4-5) In a recent editorial tirade published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Ivy League professor Peter Conn warned of the danger to “skeptical and […]
Capitalism and the Common Good
18 Sep 2014
In a September 5, 2014 article “Capitalism and the Common Good” published in Christianity Today, Kevin Brown used the Institute for Faith Work & Economics (IFWE) “I, Smartphone” video and the “conflict mineral” coltan to introduce his topic. Brown is a supporter of the market system. He eloquently provides a utilitarian defense of markets. “Markets have enabled progress and […]
Happy Constitution Day!
17 Sep 2014
There is much to laud about our founding document. The mechanics of our government have, largely, served us well over these two and a quarter centuries. Our founders were wise to construct a system that was at once powerful enough to govern, yet limited in what it could do. In the Federalist, Madison wrote: In […]
I was sitting (lying is more like it) on my couch asking myself why I can’t seem to think of something to write about the last week or two. Yes, I am busy, no doubt. But as I pondered I realized that I was simply overwhelmed with issues and don’t really where to start. With […]