The stock market swung wildly this past week, with the final result the S&P 500 down 3.1%, and the Nasdaq 100 down 3.9%. Everybody knows a major reason why: The Federal Reserve is winding down its aggressive monetary stimulus, and now the question is will they increase interest rates, and if so, how soon? QE3 is […]
The Fed giveth, and the Fed taketh away? Is a bursting stock market bubble going to be the October Surprise?
11 Oct 2014
Remarks on Religious Freedom
10 Oct 2014
I was asked to speak at the Religious Freedom Summit that is still going on at Cedarville University. What follows is a copy of my remarks. They were lightly edited and altered when delivered since I did not read the text. *** Our tendency, when we think of religious freedom or anything else, is to […]
Keynes and the Thought Life
10 Oct 2014
The Bible frequently reminds us of the importance of our thought life. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. (Romans 12:12) Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there […]
There is an old saying which I think is largely true: He who lives by the crystal ball eats lots of broken glass. Certainly predicting the future is difficult for those without the divine revelatory skills of Joseph or Daniel in the Bible. Yet, there is another saying which also has a lot of truth […]
The feature article this week by Dr. Tison notes how Peter Conn recently wrote that Christian colleges and universities should not be accredited because they indoctrinate rather than educate. He said that they violate the foundational principle of higher education by not embracing the rational empiricist approach to knowledge exclusively. Because Christian educators recognize that […]
Bastiat is rolling over in his grave, and shredding whatever remains of his attire on the shards of all the broken windows, because Mr. Obama’s former Treasury Secretary and the former President of Harvard, Larry Summers, says there is a free lunch with intelligent spending in infrastructure by the government. He cites the recent report […]
Ebola: The President Needs to Act
02 Oct 2014
Maybe I watch too many movies. How often does a wheezy man with a runny nose sneeze in an airplane? Then, naturally, we see a world map where the contagion, whatever it might be, spreads across the globe thanks to patient zero. This is soon followed by an apocalypse that involves siphoning gas and killing […]
Our Fragile Economy
01 Oct 2014
There is a very interesting article in today’s Wall Street Journal in the Real Time Economics section. “It’s Not Ebola Sapping Nigerian Economy, but Boko Haram” reminds us of the difficulties developing nations face and the fragility of our own economic condition. While economic barometers do not indicate imminent economic failure and the United States […]
Happy Birthday Ken Hechler
28 Sep 2014
Perhaps none of our readers remember this man, but Ken Hechler just celebrated his 100th birthday, making him the oldest living member (former or present) of Congress. Mr, Hechler is from West Virginia, my home state, and lived in Huntington, my hometown. I remember seeing him driving around town in his jeep and also that […]
Biblical Integration: The Way Forward
28 Sep 2014
I once again apologize for the length of this blog, but I considered the topic too important and complex to be dealt with superficially. So please indulge me in this discussion of biblical integration and forgive any ramblings that may appear. There seems to be some confusion these days about some aspects of what we […]