In a provocative post, Berean Bert Wheeler suggested that there is not much difference between Republicans and Democrats, at least economically. I understand the urge to think this, and I certainly agree given my frustrations with both parties; “a pox on them all.” But to say there is no real substantive difference between the parties […]
Another Great One Dies
05 Nov 2014
Gordon Tullock died the other day. He was about 92. For those who didn’t know, Tullock was a founder of the Public Choice School of economic thought, famous for its use of microeconomic principles applied to problems of government, in particular government failure. Tullock was known as the “inventor” of the concept of rent-seeking, known […]
Mandate for Republicans?
05 Nov 2014
The Grand Old Party had an excellent night. As of now, Republicans have tightened their grip on the U.S. House, 246-181 with 8 races undetermined, and stormed the gates of the U.S. Senate, picking up at least seven seats with a good possibility of two still pending in Alaska and Louisiana (which will go to […]
Coke or Pepsi?
04 Nov 2014
I was able to attend the Free-Market Forum weekend before last. FMF is a group of Christian professors gathering to learn more about free-market principles and economics. While I do not think it was part of his planned talk, one of the speakers said that Republicans and Democrats reminded him of Coke and Pepsi – the basic […]
What Would Brave Voters Do?
03 Nov 2014
You may think this is piling on, but I am okay with that. Some things need to be jumped on. Our national anthem ends with the following line, “O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?” I am seeing precious little freedom or […]
Mid-Term Elections
03 Nov 2014
Let’s run through the basics. As of now, the Republicans control the House (233-199) and the Democrats control the Senate (55-45). There is little doubt the GOP will hang onto the House (most people think they will pick up some seats there), but the Senate could go either direction. There are 36 Senate seats being […]
One of the calumnies of those espousing an ever-expanding view of the state in determining social outcomes against those who would prescribe any limitations on what the government could do is that it is pure “selfishness.” Indeed, it is alleged that opponents of a larger state believe in a “rugged individualism” where, as President Obama […]
Probably not the smartest idea to blog on the subject of race in a way that plays off Star Trek; after all, its a very serious issue and worthy of substantive discussion and debate. Unfortunately you won’t be getting any of that in the next few days in the media, and you certainly haven’t in the […]
Dehumanizing and (“UnGoding”) the Humanities
30 Oct 2014
I read this in an article on the present state of the humanities by Heather MacDonald. It is a quote from an unknown humanities work: “Total presence breaks on the univocal predication of the exterior absolute the absolute existent (of that of which it is not possible to univocally predicate an outside, while the equivocal […]
Tiny Houses and Tiny Government
29 Oct 2014
Have you heard about the “Tiny House” movement? Many probably haven’t, though some may have lived in tiny houses growing up (that was “accidental” unlike this movement). This movement however is a conscious attempt to provide affordable housing in cities where housing is all but unaffordable except for the well-off. As you might expect, some […]